[29] ♡ Nagisa x Shy!Anxious!Fem!Reader: Trembling Puppy

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As I look over to my peers desk, Nagisa Shiota, I start to wonder what it would be like having his amount of confidence.

Of course, people would say he isn't such a confident person, and to that I have to disagree.

Compared to me, he was the most confident a person could get.

You see, I'm very unconfident. I never talk to anyone, and when I do I always get super nervous if I don't know them very well. I shake whenever I'm supposed to speak in front of the entire class. If someone's staring at me weird, I make a mistake in front of everybody, or if someone says something negative about me (to my face or behind my back), my heart pounds and I tremble violently. In some cases, I even cry.
And crying in public is especially the worst thing that I could do. The stares, the concerned questions all get me to cry and shake more.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want to be like everyone else, with high self-esteem, lots of confidence in the things they do, and at least one person I can fully trust. But that won't happen. I'm sure of it.

Nagisa is also very skilled at assassination. The number of little tricks he has up his sleeves is endless. He was extremely unpredictable.

You could say that I...envy this boy. And you would be quite correct, but I'm just intrigued by him.

I guess...I guess I kinda like him too.
No, I really like him. It's really weird for me to say but it might even be love. I would say everything I love about this boy, but I'd be talking for a while.

"...-N)....(Y/N)!" I jumped when I heard someone shout my name. I looked up and I saw Okuda with her cute little smile on her face.

Now, before you say anything, I don't consider Okuda a close friend. She's not someone I can fully trust. She's just a close acquaintance of mine. Not really good friends, not really strangers. We're just friendly towards each other. But that's fine. It's good that people are nice to me...before I came to the E-Class everyone made fun of me because of my 'panic attacks'.

"Let's sit together!" She said and gave me a closed-eyed smile. I slightly smiled back and nodded.

I guess I was spacing out so much that it's already lunch time. Weird.

I sat down with Okuda and some other girls that I didn't know the names of. Okuda started chatting with them and I got bored. So I took out a sketch book and started drawing.

Yeah, I draw. Anime is a big reason I love art so much. It inspires me to get better and maybe make my own manga series. And maybe it would become an anime! I can only dream though.
I'm also not very happy with the way my art looks, but it's just so fun I can't help myself!

"Woah!" I heard someone say over my shoulder. I look up and it's Nagisa.

"E-Eh??" I say and notice he has a fascinated look in his eyes as he stared at my little doodle.
"Your art is amazing, (Y/N)-chan!" He cheered and my face became red.

"Ah..thank you, Nagisa-k-kun.."

"No problem, (Y/N)-chan!" He said and smiled. It was way to cute. Illegally adorable.

I kept my head down and giggled silently to myself. I lifted my pencil to my sketchbook again but Nagisa still didn't leave.
That's also a major thing that makes me nervous. I hate it when people watch me draw, but I'll let Nagisa since I'm interested in him.

At this point, the girls and Okuda were giggling and pointing at us while talking. Once I looked up to see them, my face turned pink and I put my head down even more. I sighed and shakily continued to doodle, with Nagisa now sitting beside me, watching me while eating a sandwich.

I quickly looked up slightly, only to be spotted by Nakamura, if that's her name. She smirked and formed a heart shape with her hands and a girl next to her, Kayano I believe, pointed to Nagisa while smiling and doing heart shapes too. My eyes widened as I realized what they meant.

They can't be serious, right? Do they think we could be a cute couple? Maybe!!

I tried to hide my smile by casually pushing some hair in my face. Luckily, Nagisa didn't see the girls. He was too focused on my drawing.

I exhaled lightly and began to draw again. Once I finished it, I sheepishly handed the sketch book for Nagisa to see.

"This is so good!!" He said and brought the sketch book to hold out in front of him. He had a fascinated look in his eyes and I couldn't help but giggle. His face turned pink, and so did mine.

Some other people came over and also complimented my art, which included the other art kid in the class. I felt like shriveling up and dying right then and there because of all the attention, but I also kind-of enjoyed all the compliments. It made me feel more confident than I was before about my art skills.

"Aah, thank you." I said, meekly.


As the day concluded, I made my way back to my house.
I stepped outside and saw that it was raining. Luckily, I brought my umbrella.

Once I took it out I continued to walk.

I got to an alleyway and heard a faint whimper come from a box.
My head turned to look at it and I crouched down in front of it.

I slowly opened the top of the box and it revealed a puppy.

"Oh no!" I said and picked it up, dropping my umbrella. The dog was soaking wet and shaking.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?!" I heard a voice yell, it was Nagisa.

Once he got to me, he put his umbrella over mine and stared at what was in my hands.

"You found a dog?!" He said.

"Yeah! The poor thing was probably dumped." I said sadly, bringing the animal close to my chest.

It was trembling and felt extremely cold.

Nagisa crouched down and started to pet the puppy and my face heated up because of how close he was.

"L-Let's take the puppy to a shelter." I said and Nagisa nodded.


After we dropped the dog off to a shelter, Nagisa walked me home since I left my umbrella where I found the dog.

"I'm so glad you found that dog." Nagisa said and I nodded.

"Me too." I smiled and looked down.

It became awkwardly silent between us, but once we got to my house, Nagisa spoke up.

"Listen (Y/N), I want to be completely honest with you. And I feel like now is the perfect time to tell you." He started, "I'm...in love with you. Like really in love. It's probably really obvious but those are my honest feelings towards you."

My eyes lit up, and I quickly hugged him with a big goofy smile on my face.

"Oh thank god!" I exclaimed and pulled away from him, "I love you too!"

Nagisa gasped before he grinned and gave me a swift kiss on the lips. Once he pulled away, he said, "Well, I guess I would be your boyfriend now!"

"Of course!"


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING AT ALL. I have really bad writer's block for this book. Thank you for 60k views though! It really amazes me how I have so much supporters. I'm extremely grateful for every single one of you!


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