[10] ♡ Karma x Otaku!Fem!Reader: Weeabae

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Ack the title for this oneshot is weird. That's what my friend calls me so~

My boyfriend, Karma Akabane, sat and looked out the window while I was watching my anime on my bed.

"C'mon (y/n)! Let's go outside!" Karma suggested as he tugged on the sleeve my baggy sweatshirt.


"You haven't been out in 3 days! And all you've been eating is pocky and cheetos..." Karma pleaded. I refused.

Moment of silence as I continue my anime

"Ciel Phantomhive is soooooo hot." I fangirled as I watched the boy on my computer screen.

Suddenly, my computer closed. And in front of me, sat a sad Karma Akabane.


"So I'm not 'hot'?" He asked and played with his fingers, jokingly.

"I can see your smirk." I said with an irk mark appearing on my head.

He crawled up in front of me and laid on the bed with me on his chest.

"Sebastian's better." He said and his smirk got bigger.

I gasped and sat up, forcing him to get off. "You take that back!" I yelled and attempted to hit him with a pillow. I failed miserably.

"What? I think he's badass. All Ciel does is whine. And I got that all from the one episode you showed me." Karma said back

"Tch. Whatever." I said and puffed out my cheeks, opening my computer and continuing my anime.

"(Y/n)~" Karma purred and looked at me straight in the eye.

"What?" I said, sighing and pausing my show.

He then crawled up to me and kissed me. After a few seconds, he pulled away and looked at me with a determined face.

"Ok." I said bored and un-paused my anime show.

"You were supposed to get turned on!" He said and whined.
"I know what to do!" He said and ran out of the house.


Literally not even 30 minutes passed by and he was back.

"(Y/n) *pant* I got *pant* you a pre- *pant* present." He said, trying to catch his breath.

"What is it?!" I said. My eyes lit up.

"Tada!" He said and showed me his present.

A body pillow....
With himself on it....

"U-Um..." I said and looked at it.
"How did you even-?"

I blushed knowing what he wanted.

"Magic." He answered.
"Please use it." He begged at me with big eyes.

"F-Fine. Only if you're not here and I have no one to cuddle." I said and looked away.
"I have to use the bathroom."

"I'll go with you!" He said and I instantly said back,
"N-No! I'm on my....period..." I lied.
I only said it so he'd leave me alone.

As I walked into the bathroom, I locked the door and sighed.
I then freaked out because of Karma's 'present'.

'Does he know I have a dirty mind?! Does he want do do things with me?! Am I gonna use it for those things?! How does he know I want him??!!!!' I screamed in my head.


The next day, you sat in your seat, bored as usual because it was Monday.
Koro-sensei was teaching history. Boring as most days.

You suddenly got a note passed to you.

Karma: Hey dork, what are you up to afterschool?

(Y/n): Anime.

As you passed the note back to him, he snickered.

Karma: That can wait, Weeb. Hang out with me. I'm going to the ice cream parlor.

(Y/n): K. Sounds good.

When you got the note back, that's what made your eyes widen.

Karma: Weeabae.

Coming up~
Nagisa x Child! Reader
Oblivious! Itona x Reader
Whoop whoop this sucked. Sorry guys.

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