[6] ☆♡ Nagisa x Fem! Reader x Karma: Decision

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Ok so this chapter will make more sense if you watched or are watching season 2, but I don't know the exact episode

I watched as Nagisa and Karma fought. It honestly hurt. I loved them both and hated seeing them mad.
So I stepped in.

"G-Guys stop! We can settle this another way!" As soon as I said that they stopped to look at me.

"Oi! Who do you think you are, telling us what to do." Karma scoffed.


"You're just like that little mouse over there. Full of yourself. Aren't you, (y/n)-chan?" He pointed to Nagisa and smirked.


I just stood there, not knowing what to do. My eyes were wide, and everyone was staring at us.

"Answer me! Ne! Ne! Ne!" Karma yelled in between him pushing me.
He laughed.


One final push, and I was on the ground.

"Tch. Pathetic." He spat and continued to yell at Nagisa.

My heart broke.

Nagisa pushed Karma out of the way and ran to me.

"(Y/n)-chan! Are you alright?!" Nagisa asked with worry and helped me up.

"OI! PAY ATTENTION TO ME GODDAMNIT!" Karma screamed and lost it. He ran for Nagisa but Isogai and Maehara held him back.

Nagisa was held back by Sugino, but Sugino didn't have to try hard.

"Man! This guy is strong!" Maehara said while trying to tame a screeching Karma.
"What are you guys trying to prove anyway?" Isogai said.


A few minutes later, we settled on a paint ball war.

"Blue, for don't kill, and red for kill." Koro-sensei explained.

"I choose not kill. Koro-sensei makes school fun. That's why I get up in the morning." I said and smiled at Nagisa who smiled back.


Tch. Nagisa getting all close to her makes me angrier than I am already.

I'm really sorry for hurting her like that, I don't know what happened. I'll confess to her as an apology, hopefully she'll understand.

I've loved her for too long for me to break our bond.


After school, I see Karma run up to (y/n). I decide to watch.

"(Y/n)-chan!" He yelled and frantically ran after the (h/c)nette.

"Karma-kun?" She asked confused.

"Listen, I need to tell you something...important." Karma said and looked down, ashamed.

He better not be doing what I think he's gonna do.

"What is it?"
"I-I'm sorry for what I did back there. And...I-um..I l-love you." Karma said and blushed. KARMA WAS BLUSHING.

Oh hell no. She's not going to be taken away from me.

"Wait!" I said before (y/n) could reply.
"(Y/n)-chan...I've been wanting to say this for a long time now...I love you!" I said and blushed heavily.

Now she had to choose.


"Wait!" I heard Nagisa say before I could reply to Karma.
"(Y/n)-chan...I've been wanting to say this for a long time now...I love you!" He said and looked down with a bright red face.

Now I had to choose.

"I really can't choose one of you. I love you both equally!" I said and blushed.

"Well if one of us ant have you, then we'll both have you!"
"N-Nani?!" I said as they both grabbed on of my hands and walked with me somewhere.

Nagisa then kissed my left cheek, while Karma kissed my right.

My blush got even darker.

"Nagisa can have you one the weekends while I can have you on the weekdays!"
"What?! That's totally unfair!"

I giggled as I saw them bickering.

How I love them both.

Coming up~
Okuda x Kuudere! Reader
Yandere! Nagisa x Reader
Asano x Kuudere! Reader (request)

It is complete
I really wanted to include Yaoi in here, but I held myself back.

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