[14] ♡ Karma x Stubborn!Fem!Reader: Goddamn Tsunderes

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You were the type of person to always get your point out there. And would usually argue with someone when told wrong.

But you would usually argue with a certain red-headed, yellow-eyed, sadist.

"Nuh-uh! This is the correct answer!" You yelled at Karma while standing over his desk and furiously pointing at a question in his book.

"I don't see how you got that, but I swear that it's not right." He sad and shrugged.
"(Y/n)-chan, I think Karma-kun just might be correct on this one..." Nagisa said quietly to you. Your eyes widened before shaking it off.

"No way!" You said back. Your stubbornness had gotten to you.

"Jeez, loosen up, would you? It's literally just a math equation." Karma said and placed his arms behind his neck and leaned back in his chair.

Looking over the problem, you realized your very stupid mistake.

You multiplied wrong.

As you hurried to fix it, you blushed in embarrassment and played with your fingers while looking down.
"U-Um, you just may be right..." You mumbled.

Karma looked straight at you and laughed.
And teased.
And pointed.

"(Y/n), the person always battling me in math, multiplying wrong! Hahaha!" He blurted out.
You clenched your teeth together and balled your hands up into fists and walked out, glaring at Karma in the process.

"Karma-kun, that was a little mean." Nagisa said after Karma calmed down a bit.
"Yeah, I mean she is younger than everyone else here." Sugino agreed.

"It's okay. I'm gonna catch up to her, see ya!" Karma replied and ran out the door, looking for you.


As you were walking home, with fists for hands, you heard a familiar voice call out to you.


Oh yes, if it isn't Karma goddamn Akabane. The last person you wanted to see at the moment. The person who embarrassed you in front of the whole class.

He caught up to you and panted heavily, so you quickened your pace.

"W-Wait! I need *pant* to give *pant* you some- *pant* something!" He called out and ran to you once more.

He then handed you a small paper note that was folded so you couldn't see the inside.

After that, he ran off once more.
Out of curiosity, you opened it.

Meet me by the classroom around 5:00. I need to tell you something.

'Does he feel the same way?!' You screamed in your head.


As you checked your watch, it was indeed 5:00.

'5:04...Where is he?' You thought and looked around.

"There you are!" Karma called out to you as you looked in his direction.
"I thought you weren't coming." He said and stood in front of you.

He was about 5 inches taller than you so you blushed at how awkward it was.

"What did you want to talk about?" You asked, wondering if he had liked you as well.

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