[25] ☆♡ Karma x Fem!Reader: Heartbeat

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As I skipped my way down the street to where my school laid, I noticed a familiar blue haired boy walking ahead of me.

"Nagisa!" I called out. Yes, it was my boyfriend of 6 months, Nagisa Shiota.
"Hm? Oh hi, (Y/n)." He said simply. I walked at his side and held his hand until we got to the building. As usual, we got a few smirks from the classmates, and Nagisa blushed in embarrassment.

My desk was right next to Nagisa's, which allowed me to stare at him easier.

As class begun, my mind drifted off into space and my mind blanked, causing me to think of Nagisa. I stared at him but I tried to make it less obvious. Yes, even though we were dating I still stared at his beautiful face.

But whenever he would look at me, I would quickly turn my attention the other way. I heard him softly sigh and I couldn't help but question why. These questions filled my head until the period was over.

As time went by, of course, the school day had ended. But something seemed off. Nagisa seemed to be avoiding me the entire day and it definitely bothered me.

I eventually brushed it off and was about to step out the doorway, until Nagisa had tapped on my should and asked me four words that no one in a relationship wants to hear.

"We need to talk."

I stiffened. Gathering all the evidence and proof, I came to the conclusion that he was going to break up with me. Oh how fun, the last thing I ever wanted in the entire world.

He walked me to the back of the school, where we stared at each other, face to face.

"Y-Yes Nagisa?" I stuttered. God, I was a nervous wreck.

"I....I don't think I can take this anymore!" He raised his voice. At me.

"What do you m-mean by that? Don't you love me?!" At this point I was crying. It hurt. It already hurt so much...

"No, (Y/n), I don't love you."

"C-Can I ask why-"

"You're just not the girl I've dreamed of! You're way too clingy, you're really possessive and obsessive, and just overall just super hard to be around!"

After he said that, the tears in the corners of my eyes started falling down my cheeks. I looked at him, wide eyed. No way Nagisa said that about me!! I'm pretty sure he noticed that I was upset, so he looked down in guilt.

"Look, (Y/n). I'm sorry, it just came out. I just wanted to say...we need to break up. I'm truly sorry if this hurts you, I just want the best for you, and I don't think we're compatible with each other." He finally said. I managed to throw out a fake smile while the tears in my eyes just would not stop.

"I understand...I'm sorry for acting that way. *hiccup* I don't know i-if *hiccup* I'll ever get over you..haaaa..." I quickly tried to wipe away my tears, but I couldn't stop crying. Nagisa looked up at me and swiftly hugged me.

"Please don't cry! There's other people for you out there...!" I gently pushed him off. He looked at me with a confused face, and I gave him a sad, but real, smile.

"I'll be okay..d-don't worry. I don't want y-you to be sad..." After I said that, I ran off, Nagisa could hear my cries as I ran. He sighed and left too.

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