[18] ♡ Kayano x Fem!Reader: Forbidden Love

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Requested by: @-Hamilton-Trash-


Kayano and I have been dating for almost a year now. But we've been keeping it secret.
We came to a conclusion that they wouldn't accept us if we came out.

I had planned for us to go out that afternoon, but before that was class time. More specifically, classwork.
I got fed up with all the silence so I suddenly stood up and said
"kORO-SENSEI MAY I USE THE BATHROOM?" A little louder then I intended on it to be.
"U-Uhm, sure..." He sweatdropped.
After that, I ran straight into the bathroom to clear my head from any previous thoughts.


After a few minutes, Kayano burst in and hugged me.
"K-Kayano?!" I said and hugged back. "You alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I was worried about you actually." She sweatdropped.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd want to go out today. Like to the carnival they have up or something." I blushed.
"Aww! Can't believe you still get all embarrassed when you ask me! Sure, I'd love to." She said and walked out.


During Lunch, I sat with my usual group of people, Kayano, Nagisa, Karma, and Kanzaki.
"Hey (y/n), wanna hang out after school today?" Nagisa asked shyly.
"Sorry Nagisa, I'm going to that carnival with Kayano today. Maybe another time." I said and blushed lightly, and so did Kayano but we tried to not let it show.
"Alright then." He said and continued to talk to Karma.

I looked over at Kayano and winked. She blushed.


"KAYANO! OPEN UP!! IT'S (Y/N) READY TO GET YOU!" I yelled and she immediately opened her door.
"You're too loud! I have neighbors!" She quieted me and held my hand.
"Loud is my middle name." I said smugly.
She giggled.
"Aright, weirdo. Walk me to the carnival."
"Okay!" I said and kissed her on the cheek. I was a little taller than her so it was perfect height.


We got to the carnival, and walked around for a bit. Enjoying each others company and just being silly.
We got some food and I even won her a small teddy bear.

"Oooh!" She said excitedly. "Let's go on the Ferris-wheel!" She fan and grabbed my hand.
"Slow down, slow down!" I said and we stopped once we got in line.
After a few minutes, we were able to get off.

We looked at the view, noting but faint screams from the people on the rollercoasters was heard.

"Kayano, you know I really really love you right?" I said and looked her.
"Duh!" She said and giggled.
"Well I mean it. You're my world."
"Gosh you're a flirt." Kayano giggled again.

At that moment, I leaned in and kissed her.
The kiss was passionate and sweet and lasted for about 6 seconds before we pulled apart.

The ride ended and we got off.

"Well, if it isn't nice seeing you here." A voice said and Kayano and I both turned around to see who it was.

It was Karma. And right beside him was Nagisa, Nakamura, Kanzaki, Maehara, and Isogai.

"Guys! What're you doing here?" I asked and smiled.

"We wanted to have some fun. And what other way to have fun than to go to the carnival?" Maehara said and smiled.

"Ah, so you guys are dating." Nagisa smiled and Kayano and I both realized that we were holding hands

In front of everyone.

We quickly pulled apart and blurted out things like:
"W-Wh-What?! N-No! We're not d-d-dating!"
"No way! W-We would n-never-!"

"C'mon guys, blurt it out." Nakamura said and slightly smirked.

"It's about time we tell you guys," Kayano started and looked at me. I nodded.
"We are dating. And we have been for about a year now." Kayano said and gave them a closed eyed smile.

Kanzaki looked at us with a small smile and said,

"We all knew."
"Nani?!" Kayano and I said together.
"It was pretty obvious." Karma said.
"But why didn't you tell us?" Isogai asked and looked at us with a confused face.

"We we're too scared to..." I mumbled quietly.
"You two are so cute together!" Kanzaki and Nakamura both said in sync.

"Kiss." Karma smirked.

"W-W-Wh-What?!" Kayano and I asked in surprise.

"Kiss." Karma said again. His smirk getting bigger.

"U-Um..." Kayano whispered.
"Just like earlier. It's alright." I assured her. She brought her hand up to my face and slammed her lips against mine. A little suddenly, but I soon melted into the kiss.

"Hot!" Maehara said and got a nosebleed.
"Can you not be a weirdo for once?" Isogai calmly said with a disappointed look on his face.


Word spread like a wild fire in our classroom and now even Koro-sensei was always pairing us together in partner projects.

Yup. That's the class 3-E I love.


I'm so tired ;;-;;

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