[24] ♡ Famous Singer!Karma x Fangirl!Reader: Biggest Fan (2/2)

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Requested by: @SayuriEri
Storyline idea given by: @SayuriEri & @xXAmbiiiXx


The next morning I woke up. Very tiredly, I get out of bed to check what time it is.
I looked at my phone and saw that it was...

"12 o'clock already?!" I screamed and panicked. He was going to be here in an hour!

I run straight to the bathroom and realize my hair is a complete disaster. I quickly brush trough it and try to tame it with water.
"No time for makeup!" I yell to myself. I live alone so it's not like I'm going to bother anyone besides my neighbors. Maybe.
I go to my closet next, trying to find an outfit that looks nice so he'll be impressed.

I settle on a (f/c) t-shirt tucked into a white skirt with (f/c) polka dots with white converse.

I look at the clock again, 12:40.

"Hmm. I still have 20 minutes to spare...what did I forget? Oh! I have to brush my teeth." I say to myself and do just that.

After I brushed my teeth, I go downstairs and sit on the couch, and started to panic again.

"Oh my gosh! What if he judges me...? What if he only wanted to meet up because he felt sorry for me?! There's no way a loser like me should be hanging out with a success like him!" I mumble and slump on the couch while blushing.

I then hear a loud 'honk' from outside.

"Could it be...?" I open the door to find a limo while passerby's look and stare.

The driver got out of the car, and before he could open the door, Karma came out and said,
"It's fine. I know how to open a door." He chuckled. I almost died.

He looked at me and smiled, while I stood there, with my knees unable to hold me up. I quickly grab onto the door frame to keep me standing. Did I mention I was a blushing mess?

"(Y/n) good to see you!" He greeted and walked over to me. I pulled myself up to the best of my abilities and smiled.
"Y-You're right on time..." I stuttered out.
"Of course I am!" He laughed a bit and grabbed my sweaty hand, which I pulled away and wiped it on my skirt.

"S-Sorry! Um...M-My hand i-i-is a little clammy....hehe...." I said quietly.
"Oh. It's alright. We all get nervous sometimes!" He slightly smiled at me.

So, instead of grabbing my hand, he put his arm around my waist, which just made me tense up and blush even harder.

He look at me, and smirked.

'He knows I'm blushing!!' I screamed in my head while looking at him with wide eyes.

"Come on, let's go to my place. I want to give you something. We can go to a cafe near there afterwards, okay?" He said while leading me out and closing my door for me. With his arm still on my waist.
"Sure! T-That sounds nice." I said with more confidence.

We got into the limo, and his driver started driving.

"So...do you have any sort of talent that you're proud of?" Karma suddenly asked.

"Eh? Oh, um...I like to draw and paint. It's not the best but it's okay to look at. Oh! I love to sing though! You and a few of some other stars are my idols!" I happily said with a big, dorky smile on my face.

"Singing! That's great!" He laughed. "Maybe when you come to one of my concerts, I'll let you sing up onstage with me." His voice suddenly got quiet as his smirk got bigger.

I felt my face get pulled closer to his and I saw his smirk go to a light smile.

We stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds, which felt like hours, before he finally said,

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