Chapter 2: Meeting him.

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(TRIGGER WARNING. Chapter contains topics such as rape, assault)

" Young lady, I will not have you calling me by my name. I'm your mother! Show some respect!" Diane, my mother's, annoying high pitched voice screeched through the phone.

" You first have to earn respect, Diane." I answered, rolling my eyes. I made my way to the other room and looked at my surroundings. The room was the exact same as the other one but this one had cerulean blue walls. I like it. There was a king sized bed in the centre. I walked over to it and ran my fingers over the soft fabric of the comforter.

"Are you even listening to me, cara?" Diane screeched again and I winced, pulling the phone away from my ear. I then realized what she just called me. Cara.

"I swear to God, if you call me cara again, I will -" she cut me off with her annoying laughter.

" Ready, cara?." He said , smirking as he pushed me on the bed, forcefully. My young thirteen year old self trembled with fear.

"Stay away!" I screamed. He ignored me and pulled down my pajamas slowly.

"Your mother will not care , cara. " He sneered and I raised my hand to slap him across his face but he caught my wrist and kept it above my head.

"Mom!" I yelled. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I struggled.

But the woman in the next room never showed up.

Mom was still laughing in the phone and it took everything in me not to throw it at the wall.

"Shut th fuck up, Diane! Why the fuck are you calling me anyways? Have you not put me through enough?" I seethed. I had warned her before leaving Nashville not to ever call me again.

Her answer was short and crisp, "No."

"Don't you have to suck Kyle's dick? " I reminded her, sarcastically. Kyle Johnson was her present husband and a creep might I add. Ugly as shit too.

"You are getting on my nerves, honey." She sweetly told and I cringed.

"Fuck you mom. " I stressed on the word.

"Anyways, Kyle and I are coming to visit you on Sunday. So see you!"

"What? No! Diane, I will-" the phone pinged which told me that she hung up.

"Ughhh!!!!!!" I screamed, dropping my head into my hands as I fell onto the bed.

I will never ever forgive what my mom did to me. Everytime I see a girl and her mother , I always feel jealous. They get a home, a loving atmosphere, a caring parent everything. To me, if you have a loving mother, you can do anything. You can conquer any hurdle. Guess, I'm weak when it comes to that. Before I knew it, a single tear rolled down my cheeks. I laughed at my pathetic self and shook my head.

I walked into the bathroom. At that moment, I could not even pay any attention to my surroundings. I bent over the glass sink and washed my face. I stared at myself in the mirror. Was it something I did? Did I do something that made her hate me so much?

Again, I shook away the thoughts.

Suddenly, the bell rang and I quickly wiped my face. Must be my stuff.

Soon, I opened the door and was greeted with three boys of fifteen or so.

"Here is your stuff." The guy wearing a black wife beater on his lanky body and some cargo shots said, giving me a huge smile.

I smiled back and gave them way to enter.

"Wow. You're like super hot! What's your name?" Another one , with weird waist length blonde hair threw in and I cringed.

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