Chapter 50: Oops I Did It Again

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"What's the longest word in the world?" Raven asked with a pondering look on her face.

Kaden grinned, "My dick."

Raven smiled back at him, "I said longest, Kaden. Not tiniest."

Kaden's face fell.

I laughed loud and shook my head at the two of them and continued highlighting important stuff from my notes. It had been two days since Luca confessed his feelings for me and I hadn't spoken to him properly since. We would see each other at college everyday and he would secretly give me smiles or mouth 'I love you's' to me but that's it. He couldn't meet me anywhere because he was never alone. That cockroach followed him everywhere he went. Yes, she even stood outside the washroom when he went to pee.

Ann had made it a point to let everyone in college know what was up. She would purposely kiss his cheek in a crowd, or call him 'honey' loudly in the corridors. Puke-worthy moments, I tell you. She had also made it her life motto to make my life hell by testing my patience and I was going to snap. One more time she purposely kisses Luca or acts all lovey dovey in front of me, I'mma smack her fugly ass face and it's going to be bad.

In short, the past two days have been hell but I was feeling slightly better after Luca's confession and those small moments where he'd smile at me, wink or mouth something at me were enough to help me keep that positive mindset.

"So? Is nobody going to tell me what the longest word is?" Raven asked again. It was just the four of us. Me, Raven, Kaden and Xavier. Ann had taken Luca for herself and didn't allow him to talk to us much unless she decided otherwise. Inspite of that, he would. Whenever he got the chance, he would. He had changed. He wasn't the extremely shy Luca but this change was welcome. It warmed my heart to see him so confident and more open with his emotions. I hadn't heard him stutter in days. Obviously, the blushing never stopped and it probably never will. Every girl in the college now knew that Luca wasn't gay and had noticed the change. They'd try flirting but whenever I caught a bitch making a move on him, I'd glare at her murderously. Had become a routine now if I'm honest.

"You need a reminder of why my answer is the right one?" Kaden leaned on to the table with a suggestive smirk on his face.

I watched as Raven reddened slightly under her pale skin but shook her head, "I remember it all. I'm still asking you if you heard tiniest instead of longest."

"Wait till we-"

"Okay shushhhh. The longest word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" I answered Raven. She widened her eyes.

"No wonder Luca likes you." She whispered.

Ha, more like loves me. I snickered to myself mentally.

We were currently sitting on one of the tables kept on the lawn in the campus. I went back to highlighting again.

"Have you spoken to Luca lately?" Xavier asked me.

I shook my head, "Ann's got him wrapped around her finger. Haven't spoken since the morning after the party when he came home with Ann." I was asked to hide the fact that Luca had spoken to Leo and I secretly and I would do just that. Hide it. I was actually dying to tell them because they seemed genuinely concerned but I couldn't give up my word.

"How long is this going to take?" Xavier sighed, rubbing his face with his palms. Our little gang had fallen apart after the whole debacle. It just... Didn't feel the same. I wanted Luca back. Not that ginger ass bitch ass troll ass gnome ass fuck ass cunt ass hoe ass slut ass rhino ass pest.

"Speak of the devil... " Raven's words pulled me out of my murderous thoughts. I followed her gaze and immediately groaned as I saw Ann walking towards us with Luca. He looked so..... Gone. There were now deep dark circles under his eyes, signalling sleepless nights. He looked exhausted as ever. I don't know what he was doing to find out about this other person who had the video but whatever it was, it was keeping him up.

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