Chapter 46: The Game

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"What the fuck are you talking about?" I spat, wanting to get the hell away from her. At this point, I didn't give a shit. I just wanted Ann to leave me the hell alone. I couldn't keep entertaining this cazzate.

She grinned evily. I watched as she leaned back, crossing her legs, pretending to be ladylike. My culo was more ladylike than her.

Red, hot anger was still coursing through my veins. I couldn't believe this girl. For all these months, I had kept a positive outlook on this, thinking that she would eventually show changes. But no, she was fucking nuts. I felt like a fool for having faith in her.

"Why don't you love me back, Luca?" She asked, the same patronizing smile on her kiddish face. I fisted my hands, controlling the urge to hurl something at her. Nobody had managed to rile me up this much. I was keeping quiet just because she was a female or else.....

"Because I don't. You don't deserve love, Annabelle." I hissed, venom in my voice. Her smile wavered a bit, her eyes immediately loosing the glint. Satisfaction licked at my insides.

"If I were you, I'd be careful with my words." She stated, leaning back on the bed and spreading her legs. Her thong stared back at me.

Bile rose from my stomach.

"Ann, you're crossing the line. Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself." I said, firmly, refusing to look at her. I had never seen Ann being like this. Was her sweet personality I saw at the beginning all just a facade?

She sat back up and stood up, walking to me. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LOVE ME?!"

The floor shook a little bit. I glared at her and walked close to her, trying to keep my cool as much as I could. "Annabelle, listen to me. Please. You cannot force me to have feelings for you. I'm sorry but I do NOT love you. Understand it." I raised my hands to hold her face, thinking maybe if I explained it to her gently again, she'd understand.

She smacked my hands away, "NO! I CANNOT UNDERSTAND IT! "

Big tears emerged from her eyes till she was sobbing completely. I had to stay firm. I couldn't be gentle with her. It was just proving to be useless. Her body shook a little as she cried. She suddenly let out a scream and walked to the dresser, throwing down everything placed on it. Various boxes, bottles and accessories landed on the floor, some even breaking. I watched as she stomped to the bed, pulling the bedsheet off and throwing the pillows on the floor.

I took a few firm steps to her and caught her shoulders tightly. I shook her a little, trying to get her out of the hysteria.

"ANN! STOP IT!" She continued to try and break free from my hold. She caught the alarm clock on the bedside table and slammed it to the floor, making it break into little pieces.

I had no choice.

I grabbed her roughly and pulled her back against my body hard. She gasped at the pain but still continued to fight. She was losing it. I grabbed onto her tighter, making her let out another hiss as she stilled.

"I'm sorry for being rough but you need to calm down." I turned her around and took a step back from her.

She looked at me with big, olive eyes. The same eyes that used to shine with mirth and joy once upon a time. Now, they just made it look like she was constantly plotting something against everyone around her.

"So... You can't even think of being with me?" She whispered, looking down, playing with the hem of her dress. Trying to look innocent huh? Not falling for that shit.

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