Chapter 20: Failed Attempt

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I was avoiding him like the plague. I was acting like he does sometimes after we have our "moments". whenever he looked at me, I looked away. Whenever he asked me anything, I would reply in monosyllabals and the worst part? I'd blush. Way too freaking much. The weird emotions were flowing in my fucking veins. And I absolutely hated it.

I stared down at the book in front of me, biting my lower lip. My head was swarming with thoughts for the past two days. I was feeling something strange for Luca and I didn't really like them feelings.


I looked to my right and saw a girl with huge glasses, acne and a bright smile. Any other day, I'd smile back. But right now, I stared blankly back at her, waiting for her to explain the reason she interrupted my deep thoughts.

" What. " I deadpanned.

Her bright smile didn't waver at my passive aggressive atitude. "Hi. I'm Edith."

"Eleoner." I replied. Looking back down at my book and pretending to actually give a shit about what Mrs. Ross was yapping about.

"She sucks huh?" Edna said. Wait. Eddy? Edith?

"Yeah." I mumbled, not looking at her.

"She's married to this really hot Irish guy, you-" I don't fucking care.

"I'm sorry. Why the hell are you talking to me, again?" I snapped, giving her a bored look.

She looked taken aback by my blatant rude behaviour. Honey, you shouldn't be so surprised.

I was really not in the mood for new friends. The amount of people I've let into my life in the past few weeks is already overwhelming as hell.

"I just wanted to ask you something." she muttered, fixing the collar of her black shirt.


"Luca isn't gay right?" a pink color bloomed on her cheeks as she tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Looks like someone's got a crush.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p'.

"Do you think maybe he would like to go out with me?" She asked, still all shy and cute.

Luca and her would actually make an amazingly cute couple. My heart stung at the thought of them together. But who was I to stop Luca from experiencing different types of women? I couldn't tie him down to me forever.

"Listen, Judith-"

"Uh- I'm Edith." She gave me an awkward smile.

"Yes, right. Edith. He'd love to. But not now OK? Maybe in a few months." I continued, almost laughing at how dumb I was sounding.

"Why not now tho-?"

"Miss. Mendel, you seem to be very distracted today. Please come and have a seat over here." Mrs. Ross snapped from the front of the class, irritation clear on her face. I stifled a laugh as Edith got up from her seat.

"Why not now?" she asked again as she stuffed a book in her backpack.

"He's mine right now, honey. And I suggest you stay the fuck away." I snapped, smiling sweetly.


It was lunchbreak and Raven and I had decided to eat at Johncy's. I was planning to tell Raven exactly about everything going on with Luca and I. There was still a part of my heart which hurt bad  due to that day's events. The walls, the resistance, I could feel it all breaking down. I couldn't let Luca in. I was bad news. I didn't know how to be in a relationship. How the hell was I supposed to be Luca's first girlfriend? Nope. Never.

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