Chapter 29: About Italian Breadsticks

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Another hour later, Valentino was gone. He kissed my cheek as a way of saying goodbye and I couldn't help but stare at Luca as he looked away swiftly, his jaw clenching.

I didn't know whether to feel scared or excited. Although, excitement trickled down my spine a bit more.

He's going to tear your snatch apart with his Italian breadstick. Are you seriously excited about that?

Of course I am.


I held his stare as everyone around us laughed and conversed. The sexual tension in the air was thick as hell. I was sitting here, in front of him, and soaking my panties just imagining the various scenarios in my head.

He probably thought I'd developed a thing for Valentino. Bull. Fucking. Shit.
Ever since Luca had entered my life like a slap to the face, I would compare every guy I meet to him. And in all aspects, Luca would win. There was no chance of me suddenly getting an interest in any other guy as long as Luca was here, live, and giving it to me good.

Also, my heart had started performing little backflips whenever he was around and that was terrifying honestly. I didn't need that kinda shit in my life but I couldn't help it with Luca.

"I think we're gonna go. Yes, El?" I was snapped out of my reverie by Luca who frowned at me.

"Uh..yes. I need to complete my file." I stuttered out a lie and stood up. My file was complete and ready for submission.

"Oh okay. I'll see you in uni tomorrow."
Raven stood up and hugged me.

Soon, we were in his Porsche.

Silence filled the air as I nervously nibbled on my lower lip. I leaned against the window but kept a look on him from the corner of my eye. I fantasised about his large hands on the  wheel. Oh how those long fingers feel in me.

He didn't say anything. Just barked a few insults to careless drivers. Someone has road rage

"Santo cazzo madre Di Christo ! Look into the fucking mirror, fucking  bastard !" my core clenched at how his veins popped on his neck as he screamed at a driver.

"Calm down, Luc." I mumbled softly.

He didn't turn to look at me, just continued driving furiously.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down, Eleoner. Wait till we get home now!" he exclaimed and goosebumps shot up on my skin and it was not due to the air conditioning in the car.

I sat back down quietly not wanting to trigger his anger more. This is what you get for making him jealous, you dumb cunt.

He pulled up in the parking lot of our apartment building and with jerky movements, he killed the engine and opened his car, slamming it closed harshly. I cringed and slowly got out myself.

He grabbed onto my hand and pulled me roughly to the elevator.

"Luca, stop! It's hurting!" I exclaimed in a whisper so as to not attract attention towards us.

He loosened his grip but his features were set in a deep frown. Five minutes later, we were in the apartment.

I pulled off my scarf just as he ordered "Go to your room. I want you naked on the bed. Face down, ass up." my eyes widened at this.

This was unbelievable. Where had my Luca gone? Anger really got the beast out of him.

"I'm not a dog. Don't tell me what to do." I snapped, defiantly with a cross look.

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