Chapter 9: A Little Bit Of Jealousy.

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Y'all probably want to kill me.😌😌

And I'm so fucking sorry guys. There's a shitload going on right now in my life. I just don't find the right amount of time to sit and write. But I don't want to give up on this book and I won't.

So if u want to murder me, I understand.

Enjoy this short and sweet chappy....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I raised an eyebrow.

That was the only thing i was able to do right now as my whole body was on fire.

Luca glared at me , his once golden orbs ten shades darker. I never thought that a guy would ever look this fucking sexy when he would get jealous.

Normally, I would just roll my eyes or just laugh loudly if any guy showed jealousy. I wanted them for sex, they wanted more. I didn't.

But here, in front of me , was Luca. One of the most innocent, gentle and kindest persons I have ever met. And, jealous Luca was one sexy motherfucker. Not that he was not generally sexy.

"I asked you a fucking question." Luca seethed, taking long strides toward me, until he was close enough for me to inhale the scent of cinnamon and spice.

I could not help but stare at him. What was wrong with him?

"Bryan." I shrugged, wanting to fuel his anger. I wanted to see how bad he could get. His jealousy was showing me a new side of him. I guess, innocence and shyness is not all there is to Luca Marino.

His fists clenched at his sides and then he ticked his jaw, making me train my gaze on it.

"And what the hell did he want?" He gritted.

I smirked and answered all the more slyly " Me."

"No. Want he is asking for is a fucking kick in the balls." He eyed our surroundings, probably searching for Bryan.

  Then another thought struck me. Did he like it rough? Did he like it hard? Did he like to-

"You are NOT going to talk to him again, you get it?" He hissed , glaring down at me.

Get him more angry......

"What the fuck is your problem? I will talk to whoever the hell I want. You don't get a say, Marino." I took a few steps closer to him. His being tensed and I internally smirked, seeing the effect I had on him.

People were staring. Girls were watching it all with their jaws hanging open but I wanted Luca to show me more of this side I discovered today. I wanted him to show me all the bottled up anger.

" Don't you fuck with me , Eleoner. You don't want to go on with this." This time he closed up the space between us. His right arm shot out and he wrapped his fist around my wrist, tight. It hurt, it hurt a damn lot. But I didn't let my determined expression waver.

My eyes wandered around his godly face.

I pushed my torso forward. He stilled again, at the feel of my tits pressed up against him. I could feel eyes burning into us from all sides. If I was not mistaken, the noise around us had shushed down a bit.

I pushed my face closer to his "You can't tell me what to do." I whispered.

He clenched his jaw and was going to say something but-

" Luca?" My head snapped to the side and I saw Ann/ Annabelle. She was accompanied by Kaden and Xavier. Both the guys were smirking teasingly at Luca whose hand was still wrapped closely around my wrist. Ann on the other fuckin hand had a broken look on her childish face .

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