Chapter 34: Cannelloni

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"We're free. What do you want to do?" I barely registered Raven's question as ny mind kept drifting back to Luca's face. Boy, was he pissed. But why? He did see that I was not reciprocating right? He should know how Arthur is.

"Excuse me, bitch. Stop dreaming of Luca's Cannelloni and reply to your hoe please."

I snapped out of my train of thought and laughed at Raven' words. Cannelloni. What the hell?

"We could go to the back." I suggested and she nodded her head, turning right to exit the building.

Just then, I remembered something. "Yo, how did it go with Kaden?"

On cue, Ravey flushed a cute shade of pink and almost giggled. Talk about a change in attitude. Whipped.

"Well, he told me that he wanted to try for me."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Huh?"

"He meant that he would try to change his whorish ways for me." she clarified.

"Oh." I nodded. Kaden deciding to stop sleeping around was something weird. I mean, it's Kaden the man whore of the college. He must be really into Raven if he wants to change suddenly.

"He said that he was ready for an actual relationship. He also said he needed a little time."

"I'm right here okay? If you need me. Just keep in mind that he's Kaden. It WILL take him some time. You just need to be patient as hell. I know how it feels when you've always been the fooling around type and suddenly you start getting thoughts of settling down. It's not easy to adjust into new setting-" She cut my babbling.

" Eleoner Stone. Is there something you aren't telling me? " I immediately bit my lip. Talk about trying to give some fuck all advice and then letting it slip.

" Oh nothing. Oh look we reached the back bui-"

" Bitch shut the fuck up and spill. Is Luca starting look like THE one? " her cute face lit up and she wiggled her dark eyebrows.

I cringed at the "The one" thing. Was Luca "The one" for me? I mean, he ticked all the boxes and all. But, I don't know. I just wasnt ready for any commitment right now. I couldn't be a good girlfriend to him. He deserved someone way better. Someone who was as sweet and nerdy as him. Not me. I was bad fucking news.

"Nah. It's just some stupid feelings."

Raven frowned at my lack of enthusiastic response and her shoulders sag.

"Well my advice would be to have the wedding in Italy and also, can I be that cool aunt who teaches your kid how to smoke we-"

I laughed "Shut up. You're staying away from my kid if you're gonna do that."

"You just accepted the idea of having kids with Marino. Oooouuuuu!" Raven squealed, letting an excited smile cover her face.

Hoping my face wasn't red, I placed my palm on her face and pushed her away with a laugh.

Half an hour passed by. I exhaled the smoke as I took a puff of the cigarette. Raven leaned on the wall next to me, doing the same.

"We should head back." She announced pushing off the wall and crushing the bud with her foot. I copied her actions and soon, we were walking towards the building.

Raven passed me a pack of gum and I pulled one out, hoping to get rid of the breath.

"Where's Ann again?" I asked Raven, realizing I hadn't seen her at college today.

"She didn't come. She stays absent a lot."

I nodded. We walked into the crowded hallways and I caught a glimpse of Luca's godlike face as he walked in our direction.

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