Chaptee 49: Confessions

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"How are you?" Leo asked as we both settled on the couch in my apartment.

How was I? Well, good question. I was feeling fairly.... Miserable. I was never a jealous girl but ever since Luca came into my life, my jealousy had turned up a few notches. Okay maybe not just a few but whatever. So knowing that Luca was out there with Ann and having no clue as to what was happening was killing me. She was obviously kissing him, holding his hand and doing all sorts of things with him and I couldn't do anything. I was helpless. I had to protect Luca but all I wanted to do was go to Ann's place, push her out of the window, grab Luca's hand, drag him home and etc etc. Even after his reassurance this morning, I couldn't help but feel uneasy about this whole situation. I couldn't let my jealousy get the best of me and get angry at Luca. Being this mature was weird to me.

"I'm good." I answered Leo.

"That's good." He nodded to himself.

"What exactly happened when you went to meet him?" I asked him with a frown.

"He was...... Weird. I would need to be dumb as a rock to assume that nothing's wrong. He was so.... " He trailed off, not finding the right word.

"Restless? Disturbed? " I supplied. That was how Luca had acted when I'd spoken to him. It was clear as day that something was up. 'I want Ann' my bouncy white ass.

"Yes exactly!" Leo exclaimed, running a hand through his blonde locks.  He seemed exasperated. I could see how much seeing Luca in this position bothered him. I didn't know how close he was to Luca but just from his behavior right now, I could tell that he was Luca's closest friend.

"We stormed in and at that time, I guess they were in the middle of some discussion, both looked up like deer caught in headlights. I asked them what the hell was going on and immediately, Luca started looking everywhere but at me. I walked up to him and grabbed his collar, asking him to spill. He didn't say shit but the he gave me a look. He shook his head slightly."

I filled Leo in on whatever Luca had told me today. He was agitated, listening to the story.

"I don't know what the hell's going on but I need my brother back from that fucking psycho." He spat, after I was done.

"I need him back too." I mumbled, softly. What if we couldn't fix this? What if I had lost Luca forever? I wouldn't be able to live with that. Will I have to spend the rest of my days here looking at Ann and Luca? What if she actually changed suddenly and Luca developed real feelings for her? What if the gap between him and I results in him drifting away from me? What if I have to live in this 'one sided love' angle for my whole life? What if he moves on from me but I can't? What if he realises that there are many other fish in the sea and he was just holding onto one lone shrimp? What if everything is over?

"Why do girls make that weird face when they're overthinking?"  Leo's question thankfully pulled me out of my thoughts.

I smiled sheepishly, "What kinda face?"

"Y'all just stare off into space with a dead look and we can literally see the gears turning in that mind."

I laughed, nodding my head. I didn't know I made that face but I'd seen others do it.

"I didn't know Luca and You were so close."

"Close? That asshole's like my fucking brother. He's a great guy. Even though we're both poles apart in certain areas, we understand each other really well. He's the first person I call everytime I fuck something up. Not to mention, the guy is HOT as hell." Leo ended his small rant with big wide eyes. I laughed once again, remembering all the times that Leo had teased Luca and flirted with him. Luca always acted annoyed but deep down, the little fucker liked it.

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