Chapter 3: Losing control

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"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I pointed at my reflection in the mirror.

Is this how my next two years are going to pass? Me lusting over Luca and he , just innocently blushing and stuttering?

I paced my room, trying to get a grip, some fucking control. I have never felt like this. I could not deny the unmistakable, overwhelming feeling of lust that striked through me. Usually, I only bedded guys who had experience, who knew how to satisfy me and who knew what they were doing. Luca did not tick any of those points. And I'm a hundred percent sure that he is a virgin. I mean, If he had some experience (even the weirdest) he would not stutter, tense or blush for Christ's sake.

But what was it about him that attracted me so damn much. Was it his innocence? Naivety? His Italian roots? His sexy as sin body? Or was it his exceptionally huge erection digging into me ?

I shook my head. No, I couldn't do this to me. He was the kind of guy who will treat his girlfriend like a fucking queen. He will love her with his all.

But don't you want him? Don't you want to feel him under you? Don't you want to ride him roughly and passionately how you like it?

'Shut up!" I screamed at the invading thoughts.

I want him. And I will not stop until I have him.

No I can't have him! I can't destroy him like that.

No I'm going to try and control myself. Trying.

Yes. That's the right way.



I walked into the kitchen and saw Luca sitting on the counter and eating some Indian takeout.

Okay. Act normal. Act like it never happened. Put on a smile and do it.

I stormed toward him and he looked up way too late. I snatched the meal away from his hands.

"W-what are you d-doing!?" His sexy lips formed an 'o' and I clenched my thighs.

Remember, control.

I grinned at him and he immediately blushed. " Why do you blush so much?" I laughed.

He scowled, playfully and retorted "I can't help it."

I giggled. Giggled.

I never giggle. Shit, I sounded like the girls in military school who giggled when our coach smiled at them. Yuck.

"Can I get my food back?" Luca asked and held out his trembling hand.

"Oh my god, Luca. I'm not gonna eat you up. Stop shivering." I laughed again and he scratched his nape.

"Umm...I ..." I cut him off.

" And no, you ain't getting this back. You call this food? I saw the contents of our fridge. Do you practically live on takeouts?" I asked him, folding my hands on my chest. Luca's golden gaze travelled to my chest which pushed up a bit.

"You are such a guy." I smirked , looking at him with a narrowed gaze. I didn't blame him though. Most guys, by the age of twenty one, lose their virginity. But this guy here, was not so experienced so having man-whoremones was understandable.

Before he could blush or stutter out a weak excuse, I clapped my hands together "We're going shopping. Come on."

He frowned and checked his watch. "It's late."

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