Chapter 32: The First Step

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(A/N: Hello everyone! Yes the wait is finally over! I'm sorry I made you guys wait  for so dang long! I couldn't wait to get back to writing. My exams were really good. Thanks to everyone for the wishes! I love Ya'll. So, Im gonna shut my mouth now. Enjoy!)

"Again, thank you guys!" Hazel smiled at us and took Maya from Luca's hold. I smiled right back at her and waved her goodbye as she walked out with little Maya whining about wanting to stay with us for a longer time.

After we'd returned from uni, Hazel had dropped Maya off with us because she had another date and the babysitter she usually called, was out of station. Hazel had started to genuinely look happy and I was glad she was finding love again. Smith seemed to be an incredible guy.

I walked back to the couch and sat down on it, turning on the TV.

Luca walked up to me with a frown. "We need to talk."

Having a slight idea about what he wanted to speak about, I nodded and patted the couch, signalling him to settle down.

He took a seat next to me and I got comfortable, leaning against the opposite end so I was facing him.

"Did you tell anyone that we slept together?" his question caught me off guard. He thought I was the one who spread the rumours.

"No. Just Raven. I know what you're talking about and the one who did spread it is Ann."

He looked surprised for a second and then, he sighed heavily. "How?"

"Remember that day she came over? She spilled orange juice on you? When you went to change, she took a video of you doing from a crack in your door." I looked down, scared as to what I was going to reply to his next question.

"What the fuck, Eleoner. Why didn't you tell me this?" he shouted suddenly. His face going ten shades pink in anger.

I cringed, realizing my folly. "I thought she'd be sensible enough to delete it when I told her to."

Luca still looked at me with the same shocked expression. "For gods sake! It's Ann! I'm surprised by the faith you have in her!"

I hung my head. It was partly my fault. I should've told luca that day itself or better yet, made her delete it infront of me.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, not able to meet his eyes. "I honestly thought she'd delete it. I mean, I didn't know her that well at that time. I made her delete it now though."

"Does it matter? She must've shown it to her little gang of annoying cunts and next thing you know, the whole campus will know it."

My heart physically ached, seeing him like this. He sat there, elbows resting on his knees and hands running through his hair.

I moved closer to him and leaned onto his side, placing my chin on his hard shoulder. " I'm sorry. Don't worry, Luca. Everyone will forget about it soon." I cautiously maneuvered my hand to his and caught it. He stayed silent, taking his time calming down.

"At least now you have to do something about her." I murmered.

"I know." he replied and my eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Then do something about it! She has lost it, Luc! When I went to confront her about it she was grinning and laughing shamelessly!" I almost yelled, getting frustrated by his hesitation to help her.

"I... I don't know what to do, El." he whispered, a lost look in his eyes. "If I take her to a shrink, she'll create a huge issue about it. The main thing i'm scared about is..... She might hurt herself if I do take any step against her."

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