Chapter 7: A Tiny Peek

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"Don't see yet." Luca laughed as I tried to slightly peek through my left eye. I immediately shut it closed.

"Really, Luc?The famous blindfolded surprise shit?" I whined, playfully and stomped my foot.

"Hey , technically, I don't have you blindfolded." He stated innocently but my mind travelled to the dirtiest alleys. Being tied up by the bed, a blindfold not allowing me to see Luca resting in between my legs and eating my pússy like it was his last damn meal.

Instinctively, I crossed my legs.

"Don't see!" Luca instructed me again and I scowled.

"Okay! I'm not!"

He pulled my hand to what sounded like a door and then I felt cool breeze hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt chilled to the bone because I was only wearing a thin tank top and a pair of yoga pants.

I guess this is the terrace. Woah, no shit.

It took us a five minute elevator ride and one minute of walking to reach here. Even though, I felt depressed, sad, frustrated and just angry, I just needed somebody's company. Preferably a certain Italian's.

"Come on." Luca whispered and pulled me along. When he told me to shut my eyes, I did so obediently. I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

Suddenly, I felt his presence beside me. His body instantly radiating warmth. His large hand wound into mine and he rubbed his thumb over the back of it. My insides turned into mush instantly.

"Open." He whispered into my ear.

I slowly opened my eyes and gasped at the view.

My mouth parted as I took in everything New York had to offer. Against the black of the night sky, the skyscrapers stood tall and proud. The buildings and towers illuminated with different shades of light. White, yellow, pale, light blue , it was all there. I had never seen anything like this in my life. Down below, the lights of the streets shone brightly. The cool night breeze didn't seem to bother anymore as I took in the immense beauty of what lay before me.

"Beautiful, no?" Luca said lowly. I clasped his hand tighter and let out a breathy laugh.

"It's beautiful, yes." I answered, turning head sideways to look at him. He smiled back and I noticed a slight dent on his right cheek. And he gets dimples? Come on!

I looked at the low wall which almost reached our waists. There was absolutely​ nothing to stop us if we missed a step and fell to our deaths. But, that just added to my excitement.

"Let's climb the wall." I nonchalantly suggested, peeking at the depth below. Probably a 100ft.

"Are you crazy? No." Luca said pulling at my hand as I was already halfway through climbing the wall.

"Come on, Marino. Please? For me?" I looked down at him and smiled.

At that, he climbed over the low wall and sat comfortably beside me. Okay , maybe not comfortably. Death was one foolish move away.

"If I die..."he trailed off, staring at the vast sea of vehicles and buildings below.

"You won't." I said, scooting closer to him. He stiffened a bit but let me be.

Silence filled the air as we both looked around. I internally laughed at a couple having a huge fight in the next building. The window was floor length so I easily saw the way she threw a huge book at her husband or boyfriend whatever. He cleanly dodged it. I smiled but it suddenly faded when I remembered Diane and dad fighting when I was just two. Their flights were much worse. Dad would gently push into a room and shut the door. The room had a bed so I tried to get a blink but couldn't
Not with all the screaming , shouting, swearing, crashing, etc going on outside.

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