Epilogue: This Is Corny

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Two years later:

"Fuck that little mouse cuz I'm an albatraoz." the drop followed and I danced around my room weirdly. The main reason I had kept this song as my ringtone was because the drop was bomb and I didn't have to wait awkwardly as I let the call go to voicemail. I could celebrate the fact that I was an anti-social hoe and dance about it.

Diane had been blowing up my phone for the past week. It had been two years since I last saw her and I was doing better than I ever had. Right from waking up in Luca’s arms every morning to earning a very important promotion at the firm I worked at, I was living my best life. Luca was easily the best thing to ever happen to me AND he was the perfect boyfriend. Of course, we had our fair share of fights and disagreements but we always managed to talk about it and make it work. Dating was not easy. I learnt that it wasn't all dinner dates and and expensive champagne. It wasn't always Sundays in a relationships. There was the storm as well as the spring. But that only made us stronger as a couple. We were here and we were happy. Over two years, we had created an unbreakable bond. 

And I was getting dicked down every other day for the past two years by the man I loved. What’s there to be sad about?

My phone started ringing once again and I gave it an annoyed glance. My dear ‘mother’ had sent me almost hundred texts which said "Please pick up the call. I need your help." Of course she only thought about me when she needed help. She hadn’t bothered to try and contact me after I left Nashville once and for all years back with Luca. She didn’t care.

I picked up the call only to feel the pure satisfaction of hearing her suffer.

“Diane.” I stated in a steely tone.

“OH MY GOD! THANK YOU! I NEED YOUR HELP, ELEONER.” Her loud voice screeched into my ear, making me wince and pull the phone away.

“No.” I smiled, not really giving a fuck about the utter panic and distress in her tone. 

“What do you mean ‘no’? You haven’t even listened to my problem.” 

“Diane, even if you just needed a glass of water, I wouldn’t give it to you. I'd watch you die of thirst.” I fell back into my bed and rolled around lazily.

“Eleoner, don’t say that darling, please. Kyle divorced me. I’m homeless right now and I’m also almost out of cash. I’ve been living in a motel for the past-“

I waited for that feeling of sympathy to fill me but it never came. Diane was the worst kind of person and did not deserve any sympathy or help. Where was her sympathy when I was molested and raped by her lovers? Where was her sympathy when she would see me crying in my bed almost every night? If she had apologised for her actions, showed me some changes and mended on our relationship, I would think of helping her. She didn’t really care about me. Financial crisis is what led her to finally pick up the phone and call me.

“Goodbye, Diane. Karma is a ruthless bitch, isn’t it?” And I hung up, grinning at the ceiling of my room.

My mind immediately drifted to my dad like it always did whenever I thought of my loving "mother". I had learnt to come to terms with the fact that he was gone. If he wanted to meet me, he would have by now. I prayed that he was alive somewhere, doing what he did best and making people happy. Maybe he changed his identity and started a new life for himself and wanted to get away from the craziness. If that was the case, then I was happy for him. I had tried my level best to search for him in the past two years. The last thing I found was an article in the local newspaper, announcing his arrest and I found out that he had been released from jail nine years ago. After that, it was a blank state. YEARS of being locked up for something he hadn’t done must have led him to take the decision of not meeting me. Did it bother me that he gave up? Yes. The wound was there but it had stopped hurting.

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