Chapter 21: He's A Swimmer

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I was never the jealous kind. I always knew that no matter what, the boys will always end up favouring me the most. I was always confident when it came to that. Fucking always. If anything, guys would start up fights over me whereas I barely ever gave a shit. 

But right now, I was seeing red. Deep, dark, bloody red.

I was sitting with Raven, Kaden and Xavier under the shade of their favourite tree on the campus. Luca and Ann were walking over to us. Ann was wrapped around him like a boa constricter and Luca looked half dead and half happy. I glared at Ann as they made their way over to us. Jealousy burned my insides and I wanted to throw a fucking rock at Ann's head, hopefully pushing her into a coma.

"Damn. If looks could kill, Ann would be drowning in her blood right now." Xavier commented as Raven and Kaden laughed at me. I immediately snapped out of my stare and laughed along with them.

"If she's glaring at Ann then how I wish looks could kill." Raven stated and laid down on the lawn, placing her head on my lamp. I grinned at her and she winked back at me.

"You hoes are evil." Kaden said, chuckling.

Just then, the pair reached us and Ann blatantly ignored mine and Raven's presence and sat down next to Kaden, smiling cheerfully.

Who knew that smile hid a complete psychopath. My mood immediately switched off at the sight of her smile.

Luca looked at me and smiled gently.

After that day at the hospital, Luca and I had a talk when he came home. He said he would work on getting help for Ann. But he asked me not to let her behaviour come in between his and mine agreement. Homeboy was so eager to get the pussy, I tell you. But will that stop me from getting jealous and being a total bitch to Ann? No.

I winked at him and under his tan complexion, he flushed. Aw.

"Hey guys!" Ann anounced and gave Kaden a side hug. On my lap, Raven rolled her eyes and placed her arm over her eyes as if she was going to sleep. 

"How are you feeling?" Xavier asked. It was her first day back ever since that fiasco. The hospital had to keep her for three more days.

"I'm good," She grinned and looked at Luca with a smile. But, I guess he was too busy staring at me that she had to nudge him with a frown to get his attention . I laughed inwardly. Girl, if you don't.

"So Luca. It's your birthday on sunday." Kaden said, his eyes gleaming.

Luca shrugged and ran a hand throgh his hair. Ann giggled like a schoolgirl and smirked at Xavier. I guess they were planning something.

"Ann, when are you going to starve yourself again?" Raven yawned from my lap and i smriked, looking down at her as she grinned at me.

No one defended Ann as everyone was silently laughing.

After a few moments of everyone discussing something and me leaning against the tree, with my eyes shut, Raven woke me up. I wanted to sleep right there for a long ass time.

"Bitch, what are you? Homeless? Get the fuck up." Raven snapped jokingly and pulled me off the ground as I groaned. It was so comfy there. 

"I have to go meet Prof. Sanders so I can't walk with you." Raven pouted at me and I laughed.

"It's okay. Luca will walk me. Our next class is nearby anyway."

Raven's eyes wandered to Ann and so did mine. She was glaring at me and immediately wrapped a hand around him.

"Bitch what is he? Your bodyguard? Your class is on the other side of the campus. Get moving." I snapped and crossed my arms.

She gasped as if she didn't expect that kinda thing from me. As if.

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