Chapter 47: And she breaks

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I felt my chest twist with pain but I stood my ground.

There's no way Luca was doing this because he wants to. He was being forced into this. I stomped to the bed and caught Ann by her red bun and pushed her off of him. She landed on the floor with a thud and I glared venomously, looking at her pale naked body. I climbed onto her her, my thighs wrapped around her waist.

I felt every cell in my body pulsing with boiling rage as I looked down at her wide olive eyes and her blood red lips. I swung my fist into her face. I couldn't even think right now. I wanted her gone. Fucking killed. How dare she force Luca into this? I expected low from her but rape?

I wasn't going to let him go through something that I had to go through years ago.

Her loud gasp only fueled my anger. My mind a blur, I slapped her cheek and the sound echoed throughout the room. How could she touch him?! I caught both her arms which she was thrashing around in an attempt to push me off and once again  punched her face. I had never felt this much rage in my entire life and my life had been PRETTY FUCKED UP.


"L-lucaaa!" She hopelessly yelled, trying to dodge my hits but failing miserably.

"You think the person you were trying to rape will defend your ass?" I hissed, spitting in her face. I was livid. Fuming. Raging.

"LUCA! DO SOMETHING!" Ann yelled. Just then, two arms lifted me up from my position. I looked into Luca's eyes for a second before I started struggling to make him let me go so I could get back to business. 

"Eleoner! Stop it!" Luca said firmly, his hands, keeping my hands together behind my back.

I turned my head to side to face him, "What the fuck is wrong with you? She was about to rape you! Had I been a few minutes late, she would've raped you! Don't tell me to stop, goddamnit!" Saying that, I pushed him off with all my might and walked over to Ann again, who was now spitting out blood. Catching her offguard, I kicked her square in the gut and she groaned painfully, rolling on the floor. I raised my leg to kick her again, but Luca's strong arms pulled me back.

"Listen to me." He whispered in my ear. His hot breath fanned me, making me relax slightly but no, I wanted to kill this hoe. I thrashed against him, not looking at his face. He answered by tightening his hold on me.

"Eleoner. Stop it. Listen to me." He said, firmly again. I was going to pass out at the frustration running inside me.


I was interrupted. "It wasn't rape. I wanted it."

All my movements seized. A sharp pain started in my chest at his words. With a trembling hand, I pushed him off of me slightly.

Luca's face was void of any emotion. I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me that he was kidding. It was like all my senses immediately shut off as soon as those words left his mouth.

I caught onto his sleeve. "Luca, don't lie to me. There's no way in hell that you would do this. I don't believe it!"

His face was pained, his jaw was clenched, he swiftly looked away from me, refusing to meet my teary eyes. At his silence, my chest began aching more.

"WHY ARE YOU SILENT! TELL ME YOU'RE LYING!" I caught onto his collar, looking up at his face, begging him to give me some kind of response. I pressed my lips together to stop the sob from escaping me. I cupped his jaw, forcing him to look at me. He turned his head side to side but refused to do so.

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