Chapter 17: Psychos And Anacondas

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I stared at the painting on the wall in Luca's bedroom. My legs dangled off the side of the bed as Iied I down on it. The painting was of a vase filled with some red liquid. Well, that's either wine or blood. That was not the only weird part of it. There was a shadow of a man, broad shouldered, hovering over it in a weird posture. I shivered at the creepiness of it. And why the hell does Luca have this in his bedroom? I wouldn't get any sleep if this was in mine.

It was 5 in the afternoon and I was waiting for Luca in his bedroom. Invasion of privacy? Yeah, don't care. Luca had gone out to get something to eat.

I was waiting for this damn talk with him. I wanted to set some things straight. My head was a mess right now, so I didn't know what I was going to say to him or ask him. My mind flew to my fight with Ann and the way my hand had connected to her cheek, leaving my hand print there. I grinned at the memory. To say I was proud of myself would be an understatement. Hopefully, now Ann would know her place and not mess with me. But if Luca had ended up snapping at her, then I would be fucking partying right now. But Luca was just being too damn sweet.

Just then, I heard the front door open and close. My heart skipped her beat but I didn't move from my current position. Yeah, I was wearing a really loose 'Rolling Stones' tee which reached my mid thigh. So, right now  I was laying on my tummy and the tee was pushed above my ass, leaving my cute Tinker Bell underwear on display. Lord, I'm such a hoe. I love it.

"Eleoner!" Luca yelled. My thighs clenched at the way he said my name. Imagine him moaning your name during sex, El. Holy shit.

"In here!" I yelled back to him, trying to keep my voice from trembling.

The door of his bedroom opened and Luca stood there, his eyes on my body sprawled on his bed. I smirked at him as I felt his gaze leave a burning trail over my body. He blushed immediately and looked away.

"Uh.....where are your p-pants?" He stuttered and I grinned at him lazily as I rolled over and spread my legs so my pussy covered in TinkerBell panties stared back at him.

"Cazzo, piccola...."He murmered so low to himself that I almost did not catch him.

"What? You don't like TinkerBell?" I asked, sneakily winking at his flushed face.

"Umm..." He was so nervous, it was funny. I laughed and sat straight up, pulling my tee low enough to cover what needed to be covered.

My eyes immediately flew to his boner. Literally anything I did, could give him and erection. This power I had over him made my ego peak up to the damn skies,

I ignored his obvious discomfort. We'll deal with that later now, won't we? My inner goddess nodded at me in confirmation.

"We need to talk." I stated.

He nodded, his face still resembling a damn betroot. He adjusted his glasses and sat down beside me on the bed.

"What did you say to her after I left?" I asked.

"Told her that I couldn't believe that she did that. Also, I've told her to spend some time without talking to me so she could think about her actions and maybe feel regret-"

"Please. Regret?" a bark of laughter left my lips and he looked down, not knowing what to say. His side profile is so hot. Focus, El. Tf.

"Let's see how that works out." He said, not meeting my eyes.

" know that she needs help right?" I said cautiously and placed a hand on his arm. Damn muscles.....

"I know, El. You think I haven't tried? For fuck's sake, I booked her an appointement to a therapist once. She exploded on me. Saying that she was not crazy and that she does not need help."

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