Chapter 24: Tomorrow

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"What's up, woman." Raven walked into our apartment followed by Xavier, Kaden, Ann and Leo.

It was Saturday evening and we were all huddled in our apartment to plan out Luca's birthday tomorrow. I'd sent Luca miles away in a pharmacy to get me tampons. I wasn't even on my periods. The ever adorable Luca got flustered and immediately left after asking me the brand, color etc. Playtex. Always. He actually believed that you get Playtex only in a certain Pharmacy miles away. D'awh.

Everyone gave me fist bumps or hugs aa they walked in but Ann gave me the middle finger. I smirked at her and said lowly "Shove it up your ass. Oh wait! you don't have one." she glared at me.

I walked into the kitchen as everyone settled down on the couch outside.

We'd actually planned to throw a party for him at Kaden's place because he lived in a fucking mansion. Although, I wasn't sure about throwing a huge party for someone like Luca. I mean, wouldnt he prefer just some very close friends to celebrate it with? Not the whole damn college.

I picked out a few beers and passed one to each, dropping on the seat next to Raven.

"So we've planned to throw it at Kaden's. It's an open party. Everyone is invited." Xavier announced.

I frowned and objected "Don't you think it'll be better if only a few of his close friends are invited? Like.... Won't Luca prefer that instead?"

Raven hummed and Leo nodded.

"Actually. He'll prefer that. Damn gurl, you know him well enough." Leo smirked and winked at me. I laughed and flushed as Raven aww'ed and poked my cheek.

"It's obvious. You don't need to know him well. She stated the obvious." Ann snapped.

I rolled my eyes and said "Then if it was so fucking obvious, why didn't you talk about it, Princess?"

Ann fell silent and looked away. This girl really had no guts. Neither did she have any good comebacks. She was just..... There.

Xavier and Kaden tried to contain their laughter next to her as she frowned like a toddler.


" So, a small party? I'll invite the people he's friends with in college." Xavier raised his finger.

"Drinks and snacks on me." Raven said.

"Decor and cake on me." Kaden announced.

"The music on me." Ann announced. What the fuck does she know about music. I don't want no mozart playing there.

Raven caught my questioning look and nodded. "She's got a good playlist. That's like.... The only thing I like about her. ONLY." She emphasised.

"Shut up, Raven!" Ann spat.

"Aye. Nice comeback." I smirked at her and once again, she melted on her seat with a frown.

"I'll get him there." I offered next.

"I'll be present." Leo raised his hand.

"Fucker, you're getting the vodka. Remember that expensive shit you made us drink that time?" Kaden recalled with a laugh.

"Dude that was like.... 8 grand." Raven said hesitantly.

Kaden looked at her and smirked "He'll get it."

"Which vodka was that?" I asked, curiously. I mean.... 8 grand? I'm not going to wash my mouth for 3 days after that.

"Belvedere." Leo announced with a lazy smile. Belvedere Bears vodka. I had heard of it but never got around to having it.

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