Chapter 19: Vivia

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"Luca!" I yelled as I walked into our apartment. I threw my bag on the couch and walked towards his room when I was not met with a reply.

I called out his name again as I peeked into his room. He was nowhere to be seen.

"Where the hell are you?" I muttered to myself.

The kitchen was empty, so were all the rooms in the apartment.I sat down on the couch and dialled his number. Where the heck did he run off to?  A screen lit up on the couch opposite mine with my name on it. His phone was here. Then whe-

The terrace.

In five minutes, I was on the terrace. The freezing cold air stung my skin. I rubbed my hands on my arms in an attempt to keep myself warm. And there he was.

His huge, broad back faced me. His head had drooped low.

I walked towards him, his cologne slowly filling my nostrils. That, combined with the chilly air, had goosebumps springing on my skin.Everything was just as I remembered. The sky was purple, against the skyscrapers before us, an orange haze to it here and there from the setting sun. It was beautiful.

And then, I heard him whispering.

"Non so cosa mi stia succedendo. Non riesco a spiegare i miei sentimenti per lei. Questa è la prima volta che mi sono mai sentito così. Mi sento possessivo, arrabbiato, geloso." He paused, looking up at the sky. "Dove sei? Vorrei che tu fossi qui. Voglio sentire le tue risposte, Vivia."

That was beautiful. I had no clue what he was saying but that language was just so damn beautiful. Also, my ears perked up at the end when he mentioned a name. Vivia? Who was that? And why is he talking to her now......


He remained in the same position but I was sure he heard me.

"Luca." I repeated, standing behind him with my hands crossed.

"Go away, El." his stern voice rang out.

"No." I replied simply.

"I really don't want to speak to you right now." he whispered, not looking at me. I ignored the jab in my heart and smiled wistfully to myself.

I climbed onto the  wall, next to him. Luca sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't say anything, though. I snuggled next to him, finding warmth in his sweatshirt. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered, his voice so low, I almost didn't hear him. Ignoring his apology, I looked around us. I took the time to actually grasp onto the situation. For the past hour, I did not have any time to wrap my head around the ongoings. Luca had anger issues. Today's incidents confirmed it. He didn't have any control on his anger. He did things he usually would never even think of doing. All of this, ended with him feeling sorry about the whole ordeal and regretting his actions. Luca had spilled about us to everyone in our tiny gang. Kaden and Xavier who were seemingly unaware of the both of us, now knew it all. Well, kinda. Leo was okay with the whole situation. He understood it all, I guess. I had come in between two really good friends. And, Luca was sitting here, talking to someone named Vivia.

Who was she? A sister? An ex? A cousin? A best friend? His mom? His aun-

"El?" Luca's deep baritone snapped me out of my train of thought.

"You okay?" I asked, shivering as another gust of wind blew by us.

"No. I fucked up."He admitted, looking at the far off skyscraper.

"Yup. You did. Can you tell me wh-"

"I didn't like his hands on you, El." He admitted, with a rough edge to his tone. "It's like I -I saw red in that moment."

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