Chapter 27: Facade

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I cracked open my eyes as I felt a heavy weight on my tummy. The, bulky tattooed arm belonged to Lasagna himself and I felt my heart skip a beat as my eyes trailed over his sleeping face. He looked so innocent and pure. He definitely didn't look like he fucked the shit out of me yesterday.

His long eyelashes touched his high cheekbones and his mouth was slightly parted open. Aw. I turned slightly to face him and he just shifted a bit but didn't wake up. I moved forward to kiss him all over his face but I held myself back. No. What was I doing? We aren't a fucking couple. I can't be doing all this lovey dovey shit with him and neither should I be feeling this way.

We were just strictly fucking right?

I'd started gaining feelings for him. This was ridiculous. I never thought I'd be the first one to fall into this. Fuck, I though I'd never fall into him. But here I am, trying to convince myself to stop feeling this way.

We're just going to fuck. Yeah we're friends. Who just like to have some fun. Some real fun. After last night, I was beyond convinced that Luca was naturally gifted in all aspects when it came to pleasuring the opposite sex.

And here I thought I'd need to teach him some stuff. Fuck that, he already knows.

My eyes scanned over his face once again as goosebumps spread out on my body. The same clenching feeling overcame my heart. I wad then horrified by the realization that I wouldn't mind waking up to this for the rest of my life. I wouldn't mind being all tangled in the sheets with Luca's huge body covering mine.

I shut my eyes tightly and forced myself to get rid of the thoughts. I couldn't be feeling this way. I myself laid down the rule of not falling for him and now I'm going down? Hell no.

Fuck the feelings.

You sound stupid, my concience sneered at me.

But I couldn't let myself fall in love. I was way too fucking emotionally damaged to ever feel that again. The only person I'd ever loved was dad. And look what happened. He left me with broken promises. It had taken me 22 years to build these walls around me and I was in no way going to let some guy tear them apart.

I carefully lifted his muscular arm and tried to shift away. He immediately groaned in his sleep and pulled me even closer.


Just then, my eyes wandered to the clock I had on the wall. My eyes widened as I saw the time. 9:15.

I immediately panicked and threw my hands at his back and started throwing punches.

I squealed "Luca! Wake the fuck up! We both have class in 15 minutes!"

He waved off my hits and turned around mumbling "Altri cinque minuti..."

This bitch.

I jumped off the bed, climbing over his back making him hiss in pain.

He cracked open his eyes and saw me standing there, naked. He blushed and smiled at me.

"Bitch stop blushing and get dressed! You have Mrs. Kapur in fifteen minutes!"

At that, his golden brown eyes widened and he immediately got up and my eyes wandered to his slowly hardening dick. Fuck, did that thing actually go inside me yesterday? All those nine inches? Goodness, me is proud of me.

If we had time, I would start off his day with a nice blowjob. But, we're running late.

"Later, later." I waved my hands, as if convincing myself that we'll have time later. "Go get ready."

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