Chapter 31: Deceit

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"Here." Raven tossed me the bottle of pills.

"Thank you so fucking much. I love you bro." I groaned and immediately popped two of the pills. I winced as another wave of discomfort hit my abdomen. I was going to fucking cut uterus off.

"You wanna go home?" She asked, slipping into the seat next to mine in class.

"Nah. I'm fine. I need to submit my work to Prof. Mallory." by now, my face was constantly in a deep frown.

I hated period cramps with a boiling passion. I always had the worst of them. My entire lower body would give up on me.

"They'll subside. Calm down." Raven soothed, rubbing my back with a sympathetic smile. I smiled at her right back.

A few minutes passed by. The class continued. Boring as always. I tried to keep a straight face and take notes. At a point, though, I gave up. I put my head down on the desk and shut my eyes.

"Miss. Stone. This isn't time for you to have your beauty nap. Please wake up." I grumbled under my breath and got up, not wanting to argue with her.

She then continued with her lecture and slowly the pills were taking effect because the cramps lessened.

" Did you see it too? " I heard a whisper to my right. I looked in that direction to see two chicks giggling with huge smiles on their faces.

"Who would've thought, right?" the brunette whispered back. I ignored them and paid attention to class.

"I really didn't expect Luca to be so gifted. I was so shocked when Ann showed-" both mine and Raven's heads snapped to them. The two girls saw us and quickly dropped their smiles, looking ahead.

"What the fuck are they talking about?" Raven whispered to me and slowly all the pieces fell into place. Ann had showed the picture to these girls. And who knows how many else. I began to see red. I grabbed onto the pencil infront of me and grasped it tightly in my fist until it broke. Anger flowed through my veins. I trusted her to delete it.

"El, what's wrong? What are they talking about?" Raven asked frantically, concern on her face. Thankfully, just then Prof dismissed us. I grabbed onto my things, grabbed onto Ravens hand and pulled her out. My head was in a frenzy. I was going to murder that little bitch.

" El! " Raven almost yelled and I went on to tell her everything.

After I was done, she was ten times more angrier than I was.

"Fucking bitch! I'm so done with her! Come with me. I know where she'll be."

I followed her to the washroom. When we entered, Ann and 3 other girls were in there, all laughing and chatting happily. Just as they saw us, their smiles dropped but Ann's stayed intact. Psychotic hoe.

I pointed to the three girls,"You, you and you. Get the fuck out." they hurriedly scrambled out.

I took a deathly step towards Ann, anger dripping from my every movement.

She smiled in the same manner through out, acting as if she was unfazed by me. I knew her tail was two seconds away from going between her fucking legs.

"Start talking. How the fuck is everyone talking about Luca?"

She just smiled and snapped "I owe you no answers."

I so wish murder was legal right now.

"Start talking now, you fucking cunt! I'm not going to ask you again Ann! I trusted you to delete that shit!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, not being able to contain it any longer.

She visibly shrunk at my volume.

"Start talking." I said calmly.

"Yes I did show the pic to them."

"How many people?"

"Just a few of my friends."

"Are you nuts?" Raven intervened.

She stayed silent but then a smile crept onto her face.

"What's wrong with you?" I snapped, infuriated with her.

"Whatever." she turned around to wash her hands.

And then, I exploded.

I grabbed her frail body from the sink and slammed her onto the door of one stall. The impact made her groan.

"Give me your fucking phone." I ordered. She shook her head no. I grasped onto her tighter and again slammed her onto the stall. She gasped and then pulled her phone from her bag. I passed it to Raven.

"Delete it." I tell her. She quickly takes it from me and gets to work.

"What you've done is a criminal offence, Ann. Be thankful I'm not taking your desperate self to the cops." Ann's eyes widened in fear. Raven passed the phone back to me and I dropped Ann. She fell to the floor. I gave her the phone.

"Consider this a taste. You don't want this happening again, do you?" she stayed silently and looked down.

"Stay in your lane. Stop messing with Luca." I turned to leave.

"Eleoner." Ann called out. Raven and I turned around to find her smirking at us.

"Have you and Luca had sex yet?" she asked, leaning against the stall.

I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes at her dangerously. "I don't see how that's any of your business."

She laughed loudly. I shared a look with Raven. Ann was really acting insane.

"So you guys did sleep together. That's really interesting." she grinned.

"What are you on about, Ann?" Raven snapped angrily.

Ann staggered up to her feet and adjusted her clothes. She walked up to me with a crazy smirk on her face.

"Enjoy it while it lasts."

I frowned at her.

"Remember one thing, Eleoner. He'll always choose me." saying this, she walked out.

I looked at Raven, confused. Raven had the same look on her face.

"Don't ask me what she meant. I don't know."


Heyyyy. Sorry this chapter is so short. But this chappy was needed to get the story clear.

Thanks for all the love and support, guys!

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