Chapter 38: Nashville

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I rolled my eyes.

We just got to Nashville. Our flight landed a few minutes back and we were just walking towards the exit. Luca was fuckimg turning every single female head on the airport. Be it a small girl of 10 or an old lady of 70. They all looked at him with wonder in their eyes.

My eyebrow twitched in annoyance but I kept quiet.

Suddenly, Luca's arm shot out and wrapped itself around my waist. I stumbled but stood straight quickly.

"Am I going to have to deal with men staring at you for another four fucking days? Zip up that hoodie."

A smirk lit up my face.

"Aw, don't be like this, Luca. Green doesn't suit you." I said, zipping up like he asked to because I think that top's neck was way too deep for an airport.

He turned his head to look at me, a glare present. I grinned like a child right back at him, a blush on my cheeks. For a second, his glare faded and a chuckle left him.

We soon walked out the doors of the exit. A crowd stood there, people waiting for their respective friends and families.

"Where is she?" Luca questioned, his eyes drifting around in search of Diane.

I stayed silent and looked around as well. Just then, I found a man in the attire of a butler, waiting with a placard in his hands. 'Eleoner Stone'

I frowned. Diane hired a butler? Our house wasn't that big. We didn't need a butler.

"There." I mindlessly whispered, still deep In thought.

"Come on." he said, grabbing my hand and his suitcase in the other.

I hurriedly grabbed my bag and followed him.

When we approached the guy dressed in a white shirt and trousers and a black bowtie, I greeted him. "Hey." then I pointed to the placard. "That's me."

"Oh Miss Stone! Pleasure to meet you!" then his eyes drifted to Luca. "And you must be Mr. Marino. I'm Daniel Rivers. Mrs. Thompson Sent me. She's waiting for you both back at the residence."

I decided that I liked Daniel. He was sweet and he had a kind face. He looked old enough to be a grandpa.

"Follow me, please."

We reached a really posh, royal blue car whose name was lost on me.

"Rolls Royce Wraith." Luca murmured. " Impressive"

How fucking rich is Kyle?!

Then, a man appeared from the driver's side in a chauffeur's uniform. He bowed in courtesy, his face serious.

"This is Elric. He's the chauffeur."

I waved At Elric and we all snuggled into the car.

"You okay?" Luca asked after a few moments, his hand on my thigh.

The car sped, and I saw all the old trees, houses, lanes, cafes and buildings I was familiar with. Memories started playing in front of my eyes. Nashville was where Diane brought me after the divorce. Nashville changed me completely. I grew up here with absolutely no friends.

"Hey, El?" I quickly looked at Luca. He frowned at me and I smiled back. I squeezed his hand and leaned upto give him a peck on the lips.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just zoned out for a while."

"Ya sure? If coming back here is awakening bad memories we ca-"

I shook my head, "I want to get Diane off my back. This is probably the last time I'll ever be here."

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