Chapter 26: Cavalcandolo

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Luca's POV:

"Xavier, Where's Kaden?" I asked, fighting my way through the group of dancing people. Everybody was drunk off their ass. The air smelled of sweat, sex and alcohol. I needed to get home for fucks sake.

Xavier broke away from Simone and frowned, shrugging.

I grunted in frustration and moved back away from the crowd and towards the 1st floor.

Eleoner, my piccola, was fucking with my head. All I could think of was tonight and the promise she had made of the sinful things to come. My mind flashed back to yesterday night and her almost naked body in my shower. The water had soaked her pretty pink bra, giving me an eyeful of her nipples underneath.

I growled and looked down at my pants and at the tent there.

In the hallway was a couple leaning against the door of one of the bedrooms. The girl was laughing at something the guy said. Immediately, I pictured Eleoner's laugh. Her pearly white teeth and the cute way in which she poked her tongue slightly trough her teeth as she controlled her laughter. Fuck, she was beautiful. I wanted her on me as soon as possible or I was going to fucking DIE.

I pushed open Kaden's bedroom door to see him hugging a crying Raven to his chest. I watched as she sobbed against him. Her back was facing me so Kaden's eyes met mine and he slowly shook his head. Confusion spread through me. Fanculo, why was she crying?

I chose to give them privacy and signalled to him that I was leaving. At his nod, I nearly ran for the door and to my car.

"LUCA!" I halted in my steps and shut my eyes in annoyance. I turned around to find Ann standing at the entrance with two bags in her hands. She smiled at me and I immediately melted a bit. Ann, inspite of being how she was, held a soft spot in my heart. I'd loved the Ann I met last year. She was sweet, helpful, caring and friendly. That Ann and I had gotten so freaking close. Now, in front of me stood a different person. Inspite of it all, I still do care a lot for her.

She handed me the two bags. "Here! You forgot them in the kitchen."

They were the bags containing the gifts. I smiled back at her and thanked her, taking the bags.

"Uhhh where are you going in such a hurry?"

To my piccola.

"Home. I don't know why but I'm freaking exhausted." I placed the bags on the passengers seat and moved hurriedly towards the driver's.

Ann nodded sadly and I gave her a light hug before speeding away.

I was nervous. Hell, I was not sure if I  wanted to do this or not. I mean, it's been way too long. High time I lost it right? I'm pretty sure I'm going to embarrass myself. What if I put my dick in her ass suddenly. What the fuck, I  scolded myself. I knew how to do it all. I mean, I do watch porn. Hell, who doesn't. Also, I read. Maybe a highly nerdy thing to do but erotica over porn any day for some weird reason.

My nervousness made me clench my knuckles tightly around the wheel until ny tan skin turned white. I wouldn't lose it to anyone other than her anyway. She was a little vixen, who had been tempting me for the past so many months. Her kisses, her touch, her body, her lips around my cock... Fuck. I looked down to see my friend uncomfortably straining against my pants. I adjusted myself and soon, I was in the parking lot of of our building.


Eleoner's POV:

I pulled on the white silk robe over my barely clad body. After I'd returned from the party, I'd shaved every part of me and rubbed in my favorite shea butter lotion which smelled heavenly, all over me. I'd kept my face bare, only making my eyes look dark using some mascara. Now, all that was missing from my body, was Luca's touch.

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