Chapter 10: Annabelle The doll is better.

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'' Yo, watch it!" i exclaimed, as some random bitch slammed into me on my way out. My books fell out of my hands and on the floor. I angrily looked up at this chick who felt like a brick wall to be honest. She quickly pushed a stray strand of platinum blonde hair behind her ear and her grey-green eyes scanned my face.

"I'm sorry." , she whispered out.

"Whatever man, just fucking watch it ok?" I snapped as I bent down picking up the fallen books. Investments was boring and I was even more pissed because Professor Larkins called me out twice and asked me questions about the current topic which I didn't have the answer to. I ended up embarrassing myself in front of the class. Now I just wanted to slap the prof.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't look whe-" the girl continues, staring at my lips the whole time. Creepy.

"Dude , just go." I dismiss with a wave as I continue walking.

My next class was Accounts and I was once again lost. This map they provided was useless. All I could see was a grey background with fat white lines going haywire all over the slip. And the names of the facilities looked foreign to me.

Rolling my eyes, at my pathetic self, I pulled up my backpack on my shoulder. Just then, a hand went around my shoulder and a body leaned on mine.

"Ya know, it pretty freaking obvious that you're lost." Raven looked at me with a smirk. I've come to the conclusion that I really like this girl. Not only was she funny, she seemed to be on the same page of 'I'm a grade A bitch.' Her jokes and snide comments during professor class were the reason I tolerated him for the entire 1 hour.

"Well, you gonna help me or what?" I said , passing her the map. She surprised me by tossing the slip into the nearby thrash can.

"That shit's useless. Just follow me. Accounting , right? Me too." She said , winking at a guy who walked past. The two people who've helped me with the directions today are both hoes. I love hoes.

Upon hearing that she had accounts too, a grin automatically spread across my face. Her presence was fun and just overall enjoyable.

We continued walking.

"So you and Baby Marino huh?" Raven smirked at me as we made it through the crowded corridor. My cheeks tinged pink in the slightest. But I kept a careless exterior.

"No. And what's with the 'baby' thing?" I laughed.

Raven narrowed her eyes at me. "Y'all live together. You're fucking sexy and he, let's not kid around, is hot as hell. And still you guys aren't dating?"

I rolled my eyes. "So? That doesn't mean we should be-"

"Fucking, then?" Raven interjected.

Another blush bloomed on my cheeks. "Pshh I wish. But nah."

"You gotta agree. He's damn fine. You're a lucky bitch." She chuckled and winked at me.

"But Ann might claw your intestines out , use them as a skipping rope and practice skipping in the play ground every evening. " Raven shrugged. I burst out laughing.

"What the hell ! That bad?"  I laughed.

She giggled too. "But seriously, she is so overprotective of him. And that's what fuck-" she was cut off by Kaden who appeared suddenly behind her and  wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her to him. He then proceeded to smash his lips against hers. Raven immediately kissed back, running her hands through his hair.

I just watched.

This PDA continued for a minute more before Raven suddenly pulled away from him, a look of utter disgust on her pretty face.

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