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Okay, so, do NOT kill me. Just hear me out first.


After a lot of contemplation I came to conclusion that bonus chapters might spoil the next book. But that doesn't mean it's the end of  Luca and El. I love my babies too much.

So, the next book... *insert drum roll*

Is going to be on Raven and Kaden. Most of you wanted a book on Leo and Giselle but I don't think it will fit into the whole story line I have in mind. Am I making sense? I hope I am. I will write on Leo and Giselle though. Just not now.

And no, it's not going to be about Raven and Kaden's past and how they got into a relationship (that would be boring as you already know bout it a little). It will be their future. I have a storyline in mind and el and luca play a big role in it (because, again, I love my babies too much). Kade and Raves story will show how not all college romances last.

And of course, smut. It can't be my work without da smut. Lots of smut. Fuckie fuckies 🙂

The main reason I chose this couple was because both of their characters are unique in their own way. I haven't really thought of the title of the book yet. Sowie.

So, yeah. That's it. I'll be taking a small hiatus after which I'll focus solely on the book. I'll write a couple of chapters before hand so I can come out with fast updates. Don't worry, I won't stop the book in the middle haha.

Lastly, thank you. Forever grateful for all the love. Your comments on the last chapter almost made me cry (for a second time lols)

Anyways, hope y'alll will like whatever I have in mind ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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