Chapter 25: Buon Compleanno

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I munched on my fruit loops as I thought of ways to get Luca to Kaden's place without him suspecting anything. I mean, the guy is smart as hell. Also, I've never been to Kaden's. So it'll be highly surprising that I want to go to his place suddenly out of nowhere. You know what? Fuck it. I'mma just tell him. Ask him to act all surprised and shit.

Luca was in his room and was supposed to join me for breakfast soon. I was supposed to wait for him. But my tummy disagreed.

So, Luca was turning 23 today. And guess what else is happening today? I'm going to snatch that little virginity from him. I mean, can I get an applause for the control I've shown. Multiple times we were literally this close to fucking. But, I stopped it from going any further.

Before i could praise my self control anymore, Luca walked in, dressed in a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved green shirt with a pair of sneakers on his feet. I raised my eyebrow at the exposed forearm. He had rolled the sleeves up to show off a good portion of his arm, exposing the skillful artwork there.

He looked at me and grinned, boyishly, looking ten years younger. I slid off my stool and walked up to him, pulling his face down for a kiss. He immediately reciprocated, his hands wrapping around my slim waist and pulling me hard against his lean body. Sparks flew everywhere for me. My legs weakened at the way he was kissing me. I bit his bottom lip and he groaned laying a spank on my ass. I laughed and broke off, placing a little kiss on his nose.

"Buon compleanno, Luca." I whispered and I felt my heart warm at the smile on his face. I was turning into a mess whenever I was around this specimen and it needed to stop.

"Grazie, piccola." he chuckled, kissing my forehead. Heat swarmed in my body with just that tiny gesture and I'm pretty sure my cheeks were aflamed right now.

I returned back to my seat and he took his.

"Did Google translate help you with that?" Luca teased with a smirk and I once again flushed, nodding.

He poured himself some cereal and got to eating. Just, then I remembered his tattoos.

"You're showing off your tats." I pointed out.

"I guess I am. High time everyone found out, si?"

"How many people actually know about them?" I asked, curiously. Obviously not the whole college. Girls would be dying at his feet if they knew he had a full sleeve of sexy ass tattoos.

"Well, Kade, Rave, Xavier, Leo and Ann, basically."

So just our little gang.

"Why were you hiding them again?" I remember he'd told me that he didn't like the attention or something. I call bullshit. Actually, you know what. I don't call bullshit. This is Luca. He's not really keen on being the centre of attention.

Luca was silent for a while, munching on his cereal. "After dad walked out on us, all the responsibilities were thrown on me. During that period, I was undergoing depression. I had a friend, Mikhail. He was a tattoo artist and he'd given me my first tattoo when I was sixteen. After that, I was hooked. You see, every little thing on my arm, Each freaking design or word has a deep meaning for me. Also, no one knows what it means. Literally nobody."

"And to answer your question, I hide it so that I can avoid the chicks."

I smirked, "You arrogant dick."

Luca laughed loudly and shook his head "I didn't mean it like that. You girls like tattoos a lot. Raven herself told me to hide it if I wanted to avoid the girls or I quote 'They will treat your dick like their shrine.'"

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