157K 2.6K 381

Hello everyone. Yes, I'm accepting all slaps and kicks for just leaving like that. Hell, I deserve it. I'm so sorry for just quitting. There was a lot going on in my life and I had reached a very very low point. Yes, depression. It was not just one incident that led to it and it was the worst thing I've ever experienced. I am not comfortable talking about it and I probably never will. I don't want to go back to that. I really needed a hiatus. I tried writing so many times, but I was never ever able to. I had no inspiration nor motivation whatsoever. So I deleted Wattpad and a lot of my social media. I needed a really long time to work on myself.

Even the first half of quarantine, I just sat home and spent time with myself. But I'm doing better these days. A lot better actually. I've been immersing myself in different hobbies and it has really helped me. Finally I had the balls to come back to my book. It was my baby once upon a time and imagine how gone I was to just leave it here. I'm sorry everyone. Today when I finally logged into wattpad again, I was overwhelmed by the response. We're at 1.68M reads, that is fucking insaneeeee you guys. I cannot thank y'all enough for the continued support. And all the messages, full of concern and worry. Most of y'all assumed I'm dead too. You guys are true gems. I'm sorry I wasn't able to respond to any of them. But I feel blessed to have had such support. You guys are really amazing and I can't stress on it enough.

On a really serious note, I know the world is in a state of panic right now and I hope all you are safe and doing well. This time can seriously take a toll on you mentally so if you want someone to talk to, you can always pm me. Please do take precautions guys and stay home. We just need to be safe.

Lastly, I will read the book all over again once and then start writing. And I swear I'll start writing lol. I love each and everyone of you. If you're reading this, thank you for not deleting the book from your library and having faith. I'm really sorry for just leaving without a trace like that but I was a true mess and I couldn't think straight.

Buckle up, guys. Zaddy Luca is back.

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