Chapter Two

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It was the day after my incident with Taehyung, and I was lying in bed trying to decide if I wanted to go to the doctors. My wrist was a deep purple and green color, and it ached profusely.

I got up and changed into some sweats and a blue tank top. I lazily made my way into the hallway, and looked in the hall closet for some painkillers.

I got a pill and went into the kitchen, but about had a heart attack. Taehyung was sprawled out on my couch. I let out a small yelp of surprise, and jumped back. He raised his head slightly, and then laid it back down.

"About time you woke up, I've been waiting forever!" He called. "What are you doing here Taehyung? How did you even get into my apartment?" I said while walking into the living room with my good hand on my hip, and my left one hanging at my side.

"I wanted to see you. And I asked one of your neighbors which one was yours, and then they even told me where your spare key is." he said. "Why would they tell you, they don't even know who you are!" I said in exasperation. "I told her I was your boyfriend, and I was surprising you."

"Yeah you wish." I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" he called. I rolled my eyes. "Nothing! Since you're here, how bout you take me to the doctors office." I said putting on as sweet a smile as I could muster.

"You're very convincing..." He trailed off. My false smile widened into my real one, and I didn't know why. "One condition." He said and I raised my eyebrows in question. "You buy me breakfast." I let out a laugh. "Fine!" I said with a sigh. "Alright then. Let's go." He said. "Wait! I have to get ready." I said before putting the pill in my mouth and heading to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and putting my face together we hopped into Taehyung's car. I don't know how I hadn't noticed how bad of a driver he was the first time he drove me. The man had the shortest attention span I had ever seen.

We ran at least four red lights, and I'm pretty sure some squirrels weren't making it back home. "Keep your eyes on the road Kim Taehyung! Ten and two!" I yelled while clutching the hazard bar as tightly as I could, fearing for my life.

"I'm driving on the way back." I said angrily. After what seemed a lifetime we made it to the doctor's office. As soon as he parked I was out the car and thanking the lord I had survived that near death experience. "Oh stop exaggerating! It wasn't that bad." he said. I stared at him. "How in the world did you get a licence?" his only answer was a shrug.

"Is this gonna take long?" he asked while shutting the door, and coming to my side. I looked up at him in slight annoyance. Why is he so tall? "I have no idea. You don't have to come in if you don't want to." I said. "I want to!" he said. He reminded me of a puppy sometimes.

I turned and walked in. I walked up to the front desk and waited. "Just a moment!" A voice called from far back. A man came up and he smiled warmly at me. "What's the matter Mijin?" he asked. I held up my hand and he tsk-ed at me. "Always getting hurt. She's where she always is. It's been a slow day." He said. "Thanks Junhoe." I said and turned to go with Taehyung following closely.

"New boyfriend?" He called. I whipped around. "No!" I said before going into the long hall. I saw him watching us leave, and my face grew hot. Taehyung placed a hand on my shoulder, and my face got even redder. "You're not helping the case." I snapped at him. He shrugged and let his hand go lower to the small of my back. It sent a shiver down my spine. "You're not helping either if you turn red." He stated.

I glared up at him. My sister's office was wide open, and I could see her reading a book. "What's up nerd?" I called. She slowly looked up with a grin on her pretty face. I had always thought of her as the prettiest of all my sisters, myself included. "What'd you do this time Mimi?" she asked. Her eyes slowly taking in Taehyung, but not showing any signs of surprise or the tiniest bit of interest.

" in my way while skating with Jinri and them." I said giving Taehyung a pointed look. "Don't blame me!" he said with mock hurt in his eyes. "Well anyways your wrist looks gross. Come here." She said while grabbing some gloves. "Does it hurt?" she asked in her big sister voice. "Oh no! It feels perfectly fine, maybe I could go back to gymnastics!" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes at me the held out her hand waiting for mine.

*************TIME SKIP************

Yeah I broke my wrist. She put it in a nice little brace and sent me away with a hug and some drugs(pain killers). "Do you mind going to get groceries with me?" I asked Taehyung.

He glanced at me and I seriously wished I was the one driving. "Sure. don't forget you're buying me food...Mimi." I glared at him. "Got a problem with my nickname?" I asked. He chuckled, and I found myself melting, so I had to mentally slap myself.

"Since it's well past breakfast time, where do you wanna go for lunch?" I asked him. "Have you ever been to Yupo Ri?" He asked in an excited voice. "It better not be expensive." I warned him. "It's not!" He said happily. "All right. Food first, then groceries." I said happily.

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