Chapter Five

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          It had taken a while, but I had wrestled my least favorite bag of presents out of Taehyung's hands. "Why can't I see?!" He whined and threw himself onto the couch with his hands reaching out.

          "Because you can't okay!" I yelled with a laugh. He got up and made his way over to me. I hugged the bag to my chest as he came closer with an evil smirk on his face. "What are you gonna do?" I asked and backed up a little. "I don't know?" He said. "If you touch me I'll punch in your face." I said.

          Yeah a girl that's 5'5" and doesn't work out against a man that's 5'10" and most likely did work doesn't take a genius to figure out I lost. Worst thing about it, I was ticklish and that was his go to thing.

          I squirmed, out of breath from laughing, and tried to push him away. "Tae stop!" I yelled with tears streaming out from the corners of my eyes. "What? You want me to stop?" He said. While tickling my side. Yeah I couldn't help it. I let out a scream.

          He ripped the bag from my grip, and I couldn't grab it back before he looked inside. "You've gotta be kidding me!" He said before busting out laughing again. "Stop laughing, it's not funny!" I yelled. "Mwo? I think it's pretty funny. Your boyfriend's a total ass." His voice sounded joking at first, but his voice had an edge to it when I thought about it.

          "Give them back." I said. "Why? You wanna keep them?" He teased. "What? No!" I said. He laughed and I stuck my tongue out at him. "Hey. Don't come over tomorrow. At least not till after 4:00pm." I said while trying to grab the bag again.

           "Why so long?" He asked after taking the bag out of reach. "I have a job." He scoffed. "Jobs suck." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but I like money." Suddenly the door was thrown open and my neighbor burst in. "Mijin are you alright?" I looked up in alarm. 

          The woman had her grandson with her. "Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked while blushing. I glanced over at Tae who was leaning against the back of one of the couches. "We heard screams and a loud noise." She said while looking between me and Tae.

          "Oh. That was nothing. There was a really big bug and I freaked out." I lied, and I could feel Taehyung silently laughing at me. "Really kid? You got me all worried for nothing." She said with a sigh before turning to leave. "Oh, I made some bulgogi and kimchi last night. Do want me to bring some over?" She asked. "Yes please." I said with a bow.

          As soon as the door shut behind them Tae's loud laugh filled my usually quiet apartment. "You're so awkward Mejin-ie." He laughed. "So?" I said on edge. "So nothing. You're adorable." He said while standing up to put the milk in my fridge.

          "Do not call me adorable." I warned. "Then what do you want me to call you? Cute? Beautif-" I cut him off. "How about none of the above." I said. He shrugged before disappearing into the kitchen.

          I watched the space where he had been until he came back. "Can I crash here for tonight?" He suddenly asked. "I don't care." I said before I actually could mull it over. What the hell Mejin? You met him two days ago! Well it's too late now. I headed to one of the hall closets.

          "Let me get you some blankets." I told him while searching for some blankets. "We're having a movie night. Do you have any popcorn?" He called from the living room.

          "No I don't have any popcorn." I said in exasperation. "That's cool. I'll tell Jimin to get some when they're on their way over." He said while I came into the livingroom to see his thumbs flying across his phone's keyboard.

          "Who's they?" I asked skeptically. "My friends I was with when you hit me." He said. I nodded. Not like total strangers coming to my apartment was anything new.

          "Tell them they're getting the movie, and it better be something good."

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