Chapter Eight

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Don't tell Tae. Please. I don't want him to know." I was still in the doorway. Hyejung had picked me up from the apartment and told me something was wrong with Mimi. I clenched my fists and ground my teeth.

I was breathing heavily by the time she was done. She was balling again when she had finished, and I was torn between wanting to comfort her and needing to break something. Preferably Jisung's neck. My heart rate was alarmingly high and I could feel myself losing control. With each tear that fell from her eyes I only got angrier.

I could feel the cashier staring at me, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from Mijin. "You need to tell the police Mim-" Suddenly Mimi screamed and threw her hands over her ears.

"Don't call me that! That's what he called me! No! No,no, no!" She was shaking her head and crying. I lost my cool. With a shout of anger I punched the wall as hard as I could. It fell away underneath and I spun around before storming out. The cashier lady followed me out of the shop. She was shouting, but I wasn't listening.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and I turned around ready to bat them away, but it was the girl. "You can't just leave after that! You have to pay for repairs and stuff." I glared at her and dug around in my pocket before finding my wallet and grabbing a wad of cash.

"There. Keep the change." I spat before tossing it at her. "Are you Mijin Unnie's boyfriend?" She suddenly asked. I turned on her. I almost said yes. But Mijin wouldn't have liked that. "Who's asking?" I had started to calm down. "My name's Kate." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right. What's your real name?" I asked impatiently.

She looked hurt, but I didn't care. I may have calmed down some, but I was still furious. She just didn't seem to get the hint...Plus I was almost positive she was at least four years older than Mimi.

"I told you my name. Why don't you believe me oppa?" I bristled. Is this chick for real trying to flirt with me? I scoffed and walked past her back towards the shop. I did need a ride, and even though I still needed to break something, Mimi needed me.

**********Mijin's P.O.V***********

I was staring out the windows at Tae. He had been talking with "Kate", but was now coming back. Hyejung and Sue were both examining the hole he had punched into the wall. Seeing him how he was unnerved me. I had never seen him like that before. I had seen him, what I had thought was him mad, but now he seemed completely different somehow.

The little bell above the door jingled as he entered with a dangerous glint in his eyes. His jaw was squared and the air around him was filled with a dangerous feeling electricity.

Kate came in after him holding a big wad of money, but she wisely distanced herself from Tae. Thankfully there was no one inside the boutique, because they probably would've all left by then.

And then he was in front of me. He had crossed the main room in a few long strides,but now he was squatting in front of me. His face had softened, but his eyes were still angry.

Unlike with the others I didn't instantly burst out crying, don't get me wrong a few tears leaked out, but I didn't feel like completely balling with him in front of me. It was comforting to know that I wasn't really a wussy after all.

He reached out and gently took my arm. It reminded me of the first time we met since I had moved to Chuncheon. His grip was firm, but gentle, and everything about him was reassuring. "Mijin. We should go home. We can watch movies, or do anything you wanna do. Just get up real quick." His voice was soothingly low.

I nodded, but he wasn't looking; he was inspecting my arm closely. Then he slowly looked up at me. "Come on," he said while getting up and offering his hand for me.

I took it gingerly with my uninjured hand, and he pulled me to my feet. I clung onto his arm, when I was up, for dear life. He didn't say anything about it thankfully though. I could feel Kate's eyes on us, and for a brief moment I felt possessiveness over Tae flare up in me, but I beat it down. We weren't even dating.

"I'm sorry about your wall ma'am, but I gave money to the cashier. It should be more than enough to cover the repairs. Hyejung could you give us a ride back to her apartment?"

I was staring at the ground. I was exhausted. From crying, the mental strain of today's events, and just the rush of this morning too. Instead of gripping onto Taehyung's arm I slowly started leaning on him.

My legs felt as if they'd give out from underneath me at any moment. "It'll be fine. You guys go along. Mijin-ah you don't have to come back to work until you're ready, okay?" And with that we left.

The last thing I remembered before blacking out was Tae helping me into my sister's car. I had been leaning on his shoulder with my head lolling back.

My eyes had been closed and I had been focusing on Tae's breaths when he turned slightly and whispered in my ear, "You're mine, Kim Mijin-ah. If anyone ever hurts you again I'll make them pay! I promise."

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