Chapter Eighteen

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Definitely in my top five fav bts songs!

Jiminie's high note gets me every freaking time!😍😍

        "Taehyung." I sighed. "It's true." He said while searching my gaze with his beautiful brown eyes. "I love you Mijin. I can't say I always have, but I can promise that I always will." I blushed uncontrollably but forced myself not to look away.

          "Tae. I don-" He cut me off. "Don't say you don't love me back, because I know you do even if you don't know it yet." He said and took his arm from my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I stared down. I was slightly darker than him and my hands were incredibly smaller than his.

          "I was going to say, I don't think the boys are in a patient mood and that we should hurry." I said with a small smile. This time he blushed. I got out of the car and waited for him. He came to my side and I grabbed onto his hand.

          I stood so close to him that when we walked our pant legs brushed. We walked up to Kookie and Jiminie. "Noona! Hyung! What took you guys so long?" Jungkook asked. His eyes swept quietly down to our latched hands and a small smile quirked his lips. Jimin smiled at them while his thumbs flew across his phone.

           "Jiminie hyung is usually always the late one! Looks like that changed." Jungkook said. "It's probably cause you were with him." I said with a smile. Kookie grinned at me.

          "So you guys are official now right?" Jimin asked. I looked up in confusion then realized what he was talking about. "Yep! Mimi finally admitted her feelings." Tae said enthusiastically.

          "That's cool and all, but can we eat? I'm hungry." Jk said with a hint of impatience seeping into his voice. I laughed and noddded my head. "I'm hungry too. Let's go guys!" I said before grabbing Jimin's arm and pulling him and Taehyung into the cafe with Jungkook right behind us. "Jin and the others aren't even here yet." Jimin said grumpily. "What's got you in such a sour mood?" I nudged him.

          "Nothing. I'm just not a morning person I guess." He grumbled. I raised my eyebrows at him. "This hardly counts as morning. It's almost noon." I pointed out.

           He shrugged with a small smile. "Well you know what'll lift your spirits?" He raised an eyebrow. "Food!" I exclaimed happily. "Food is the medicine to any sickness! Okay maybe not any sickness, but you get my point.

          If you're happy? Eat food! Sad? Food! Food is great!" I said enthusiastically. He looked at me like I had gone crazy, and I could feel Kookie and Tae staring at me. "Mijin...I'm surprised you're not fat." Jimin said thoughtfully. I glared at him.

          "Whatever." We went and found a big enough table for all of us when everyone got there. I sat in between Kookie and Tae with my shoulder against Tae's and we talked quietly amongst ourselves while we waited for our friends.

          I was arguing with Kookie about which Avenger was the best when Jimin waved towards the door. I looked over and saw Yoongi walking over followed by Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok.

          They took their seats and soon our server hurried over. We ordered our drinks and after she left the others all decided what they wanted to eat while I talked with Jimin.

          Finally everyone knew what they wanted so when the server came back we all ordered. I ended up sitting criss-cross in my chair and leaned forward with my elbows propped up on the table as I talked and listened. I could tell Taehyung was getting jealous I wasn't talking to him, but I was enveloped in my conversation with the others.

          Before our food got to us I realized I had to pee. I almost asked one of them to go with me, but then I realized that none of them were girls and it would probably be weird if one of them followed me to the bathroom, so I got up quietly.

          "Where are you going?" Tae asked quietly. "Bathroom." I said before heading off to the back. I went in, went pee, washed my hands, and got back out, but almost had a heart attack. Two of Jisung's friends were eating at a table a two or three yards away from me.

          I tried to get by unnoticed but to no avail. "Mijin!? Hey Mijin!" I cursed their names to the wind, and slowly turned to face them with a small fake smile on my face.

          "Where've you been girl? We haven't seen you in forever!" The bigger of the pair asked. "Oh you know. Here and there I guess." I said, trying and failing to force some enthusiasm into my voice. "You know...We saw Jisung the other night..." I stiffened.

          "He's quite upset with you Mijinie." I gulped. "It was good talking to you! I'll just be on my-" The smaller one interrupted while the big one got up to block my path. "Way? I don't think so...Why don't you have brunch with us?" He said and glanced pointedly at the empty chair seated at their table.

          "My friends are waiting." I said nervously. My mind and heart was racing. I had to figure a way out of there. I could scream, but that make them mad. Screaming would be plan B. "They can wait for you Mimi." The big one said.

          "We're in public. You wouldn't force me to stay with you. Would you? There's no need to cause a scene." I said nervously.

          "You're not one to make a scene..." The small one drawled. "But I am." I whirled around. Jimin had appeared from practically nowhere. There was a look of fury on his face. I moved closer to him. Soon he was in between us shielding me.

          "Go back to your food. I hear it's quite good for your soul." Jimin said. The three glared at each other then the bigger one slowly sat down. "Come on Mimi." He grabbed my arm and pulled me after him.

          "Why didn't you yell for one of us?" He asked angrily. "They're right. I didn't want to make a scene. " I said. "Jimin you're hurting my arm." He let go. "Are you going to tell Taehyung?" He asked. I looked down. I could feel the other's watching us.

          They had seen Jimin pulling me away. "Are you?" I asked in a small voice. "Of course. That is...if you don't I will." He said. I whipped my head up and glared. "How could you?!" I said angrily. "Because you were just being harassed by two big guys and you've been raped twice buy their friend! Don't you think that's something you outta tell your boyfriend?!" He said angrily.

          "I'll tell him later..." I said quietly and looked back down at the ground. "If you don't I will." He said. "Why did you even go over there?" I asked. I had to go to the bathroom, I was coming out of it actually when I saw you guys." He said.

          "Oh....Well. Thanks I guess." I said in a small voice. "Whatever. they're watching us. And Taehyungie is getting jealous. You'll probably have to tell all of them so we don't look bad." He said. I nodded before walking back over to the boys.

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