Chapter Ten

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          I slept peacefully. No dreams or images. Nothing. Just quiet darkness. The comforter was clutched tightly to my chest with one hand. I could hear knocking echoing in my head as I slept.

          They got louder as I slept. I woke to the sound of my front door opening. My heart leaped in my chest. "Tae?" I called, but then I remembered he had said he wouldn't be coming back today. It was probably Jin, so I threw my covers to the side and made my way to the door.

           I tiptoed cautiously down the hall way. Then I paused. It was way too quiet for it to be the boys. Then a loud crash and slam of the front door erupted into the air. I jumped from bed my comforter flying to the floor. 

         My breath had picked up as I walked to my door peaking out into the hall. I could see the front door wide open and he walked in.


          My whole body tensed and fear rose up in me. I've never felt like this just by seeing him. I've only felt this when he was angry or drunk. "Mimi???" He called out looking down the hall at my door.

          "Found you." He walked quickly down the hall and opened the door pushing me to the bed. "Stay." I was frozen staring up at him.

           He walked back out of the room closing the front door and put the entry table in front of it making sure it stayed closed. He walked back in the room. Closing the door and the blood drained from my face as the lock clicked.

         I closed my eyes, fighting off tears. I had to get out of there, but I couldn't move. Suddenly he threw me onto the bed. I let out a terrified whimper. I heard him undo his pants, but I refused to look up at him.

          "Get used to this Mimi. You're my little whore, and only mine. I don't like sharing. He grabbed my arms and held them over my head with one hand as he pulled off my shorts and panties.

          A sob found its way out of my chest. He slapped me in the face and I bit my lip trying not to cry out. "Shut the fuck up!" I bucked wildly from underneath him, but  that only resulted in a punch to the face. 

          He ripped my shirt off and kissed from my jaw down to my stomach. I couldn't stop crying it seemed as impossible as making Jisung stop. I felt him force my legs open and slide in.

           "Please. STOP!" I screamed as loud as I could. Suddenly trying not to cry wasn't important. I sobbed hysterically and swung my good hand at Jisung's face.

           Fury lit in his eyes as my punch landed under his eye. He grabbed my hand again in a painfully tight grip and covered my mouth with his other hand. "Shut the Hell up." He said in deadly quiet voice. 

          With one last disgusting thrust he got off of me. I curled into a ball and sobbed. Suddenly he grabbed a handful of my hair and viciously wrenched me off of my bed. "You wanna scream? Scream!" So I did.

          I screamed and cried.  He threw me against the wall and brought his face close to mine. His once gentle features were now twisted grotesquely with rage. "You can't fight me Mijin. Next time behave." I nodded with a whimper. He smirked and got up. "Till next time little slut." He said while going out my bedroom. 

          I laid on the floor crying until I heard the front door open again. "Mijin?" It was the land lady. "I'm fine go away!" I called out. "Some of your neighbors said they heard screaming and banging." She said.

           She was making her way down the hall. "I'm fine really." I called, but I couldn't stifle the sob that followed. Suddenly she opened the door and her eyes widened with shock. "Mijin!" She rushed over to me. "It's not as bad as it looks." I said between tears.

          "Hun get dressed while I make some tea. We can talk about it when you're ready." She said while grabbing my hand and hoisting me up. I nodded and she left closing the door gently behind her. 

          I threw on some pajama shorts and one of Tae's hoodies that he had left a couple days ago and kept forgetting to take it home. I gathered my courage and exited my room. Did I mention my land lady was also one of my older sisters?

          Well she was. I came into the living room to see her on the phone with probably Hyejung. And then the front door opened slowly. I jumped back my heart beating wildly, but it was just Jin and Hoseok. "Mijin? Taehyung sent us to check on yo-" 

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