Chapter Fifteen

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          "Your place is huge! Why are you always hanging out at my little apartment?" We were in Tae's penthouse-like apartment and he was grabbing a snack from his fancy kitchen. "Wait a minute. Is all of your guys's houses this big?" I asked suddenly feeling self-conscious.

           "Yeah I guess, but Namjoon's is the biggest." Tae said with a shrug. "Why is everyone hanging out at my place then?" I asked in a slightly whiny voice. I will admit I was a bit salty that they all seemed to have a lot more money than me, but I'd get over it eventually.

          "We like your place." Tae said as if it were obvious. I sighed. "I don't know why you would if you're so used to places like this." I said grumpily. Tae laughed and came over to me with a smile on his face. "Do you need to go to sleep Mimi?" He asked.

          I glared at him. "Why are you asking?" I asked. "Cause you always get grumpy when you're tired." He said while screwing up his nose at me. "Not true!" I protested. He cocked an eyebrow at me. "Are you telling me you're not tired at all right now?" He asked pointedly.

          "So what if I am?" He smirked at my answer. "My point exactly." He chuckled. "Oh, shut up!" I sighed. He cocked an eyebrow at me, and I was jealous all of a sudden. How come it seemed I was the only person that couldn't cock my damn eyebrow?

          "Do you wanna just crash here? I'll tell Jin you fell asleep." Tae asked in a soothing voice. I nodded slowly. "Okay. Let me make up a bed on the couch." He said while squeezing my hand. "Wait what if they get the wrong idea?" I said suddenly as he walked off down his hall.

          He didn't even glance back. "About what?" He called behind his shoulder. "About us!" I called. I heard him laugh. "What about us?" I stiffened. He wasn't even paying attention to me. I could tell he wasn't. "They might think we know..." I said exasperatedly.

          "I don't know." I could barely hear his voice. "They might think we're doing things!" I yelled. I heard him walking back. "Let them." He said as he rounded the corner with his arms full of blankets and pillows.

          "Why does it sound like you don't care?" I asked with a pout. "Because I don't care what they think about us." He said pointedly. "But what if I do?" I said quietly. I heard him scoff quietly and I whipped my head up angrily.

          "You shouldn't care what they think about us Mimi." He said gently. I glared at him. "But I do." I pouted. He laughed and shook his head. "I think you need to go to sleep." He said, and with a sigh he re-positioned the blankets and pillows then went into the living room.

          "Mimi I'm gonna go get you some clothes to change into." and then he was off and disappeared again.

          "Here." He tossed me a baggy shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "Go away while I change." I said. He went down the hall and when I couldn't see him anymore I changed out of my clothes into the clothes he had given me.

           I didn't like the way the shorts felt and I was pretty sure they didn't look good with the shirt so I kicked them off and went to the couch. "Okay!" I called and he came back to the living room.

          I was probably just tired, but when he came out I could almost swear he started blushing. "Did you not like my shorts?" He asked in a slightly higher pitched voice than regular.

          "They were scratchy." I said curtly. "Oh...I'm sorry..." He trailed off and avoided looking in my general direction. I went and laid down on the couch. "Goodnight Taehyung." I murmured quietly. "Goodnight Mijin-ah." He said and turned around, but before he walked away I called out,

          "Tae?" There was a pause. "Yes?" I propped myself on my elbow to look over the back of the couch at him. "Stay. Please."

          "Always." I almost giggled. It was such a cute unintentional Harry Potter reference.

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