Chapter Twenty

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          I sat on my couch with Taehyung's head in my lap. It was a week after the incident with Jisung's friends, and besides work I always had one of the boys with me.

          Usually Tae, but on his work days one of the others would come hang out with me all day. Tae took me to work everyday and Sue would drive me home.

          But for today. My day off and Taehyung's we decided to stay at my house and watch movies. I played with his hair not even paying attention to what was going on. His eyelids kept falling down, but each time he would snap them back open. But almost instantly after he opened hi eyes they would close again.

          I stopped braiding and un-braiding to take in all of his perfect features. "Why'd you stop he asked with his eyes shut. "Because you're extremely cute right now. I said in a teasing voice.

          "Not as cute as you always are." He said in a tired voice. I laughed. It was barely past noon and I could tell he already needed a nap. I didn't want to admit it, but I wanted a nap right about then too. "I love you Mijin-ah." he said quietly. I smiled.

          "I love you too Tae." I told him, but he was already asleep.

A/N: So yeah this was pretty much a filler chapter, cause idk, and we're getting really close to the end. But anyways from now on up to chapter twenty six they're probably gonna be filler's cause I'm sorta leading up to something, but I don't exactly know how. So yeah... You might wanna skip to chapter twenty-six, but idk yet. Oh well. These chapters won't be very long so what's the harm in reading them? -Xoxo, Toxic

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