Chapter Six

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          There was knock on my door and I went over to open it. I peaked through the peephole, slightly scared it was going to be Jisung. Thankfully it wasn't. The tall man from before was annoyingly close to the peephole and I couldn't see anything besides him. I opened the door just as Tae came out of the kitchen with my chocolate. "Jimin stop! Kook-ah settle do-" One of them had been talking. He smiled sheepishly at me and offered me bags of popcorn. "Listen to Jin!" The tall one said before passing by me and heading to one of my couches. 

          The shortest looking one followed slowly. He had a very unimpressed look on his face, and he looked like all he wanted was to go to sleep. Then the one that had been talking came next. I had to press myself against the door frame to make room for his broad shoulders. Then two others  came. They had smiles plastered to their faces, and the shorter one winked as he passed. 

          This was going to be a long night...I was sadly correct. There never seemed to be a quiet moment while watching the movie between the bickering, jokes, and yelling at the movies. The one that looked like how I felt, Yoongi I think was his name, had fallen asleep not even half way into the first movie, Jin was telling bad puns during the wrong moments, but I will admit they made me at least giggle every time, Namjoon was talking a whole lot of nonsense that I couldn't follow, or was just too tired to follow, about spiritual shit. And if that wasn't enough the younger ones were even worse, Taehyung included. 

          I'm not even sure the first movie was a comedy, but Tae and his friends couldn't stop laughing. When I asked what was so funny all I got was a very judgmental stare from Jiminie opppa, a laugh from Tae, and a scoff from Kookie. It was slightly infuriating. We were on the fourth movie and I was wondering when everyone would go home. Even though they drove me crazy I didn't want them to leave. I was sitting on the floor in between Tae and a very tired looking Seokjin. 

          Tae leaned over suddenly and whispered in my ear, "As soon as Jin hyung falls asleep we're gonna draw on him." I glanced over at him. He had a smile plastered to his face. "I might fall asleep before he does." I whispered back. He seemed to think for a moment. He chewed on his bottom lip and looked down at the space between us. "If you do I'll only try to keep them from messing with you for a little while." I sighed at his words. Looks like I'm not sleeping till they all leave or till they're all asleep. 

           I pulled my blanket up to my shoulders and watched the movie more intently than before, too scared to fall asleep. I really wanna say I staid strong and prevailed. That I staid awake well past they all fell asleep, however I'd be lying, so yeah, I was the first one, besides Yoongi, to fall asleep. It was a peacefully black sleep. No dreams just my mind being totally blank for once. It wasn't like I blinked and it was morning, or like my usual little dream filled sleep. It was just black. I was aware of Tae and the others around me, but it was oddly comforting. 

          When I woke up I was greeted by the sight of an almost spotless livingroom, besides a few blankets still on the floor, and Tae sleeping on the opposite couch I was on. It was strange, I almost swore I had fell asleep on the floor. Had it all been a very vivid dream? But no. The movies were stacked on the entertainment station and it looked like one of them had forgotten their beanie. I was staring blankly around when I actually looked at the time. 

          I shot out of the couch, careful of my wrist, and ran to my room. I changed as fast as I could, braided my hair, brushed my teeth, put on my makeup, forgot about deodorant, wrote a quick note to Tae, and hurried out the door. I was approximately 25 minutes late. I had picked this shift so I didn't have to worry about waking up late, but apparently I had staid up later than I'd thought. I ran around searching for a taxi, but it seemed to be taking twice as long as normal. I reached into my pocket for my phone to just ask Tae for a ride when I realized it was still on my bathroom counter. 

          Today had seemed so good, but this was just a reminder that first impressions were shit and should't really count. When I finally did get to work I realized my least favorite coworker, or person in general, was working for our friend who happened to be visiting family. The only thing I'd put in my stomach was water, so a fight was inevitable. Good thing my manager was in today. I went straight to her apologized for being late, then asked to borrow her phone. 

          I dialed my phone number first hoping it would wake Tae up, but he didn't answer. I called it a few more times, but nothing happened. So I tried to remember Taehyung's number and called his cell, but he didn't answer. "If you get a call from either of these will you answer and give it over to me please?" I asked. She said yes. So it was time to start my day. I went to my cash register, forced a smile, and played out ways to murder little miss perfect in the register next to me. 

                                               *************Time Skip*************

          It was my break, but Tae hadn't called back. I was in the rec-room eating a protein bar when, supposedly, Kate walked in. God I hated her. "Mejin unnie! There's a man here for you!" I glared. I was torn between being glad Tae had shown up and pointing out that "Kate" was most definitely not my dongsaeng. I nobly decided on the first one. I stalked past her and to the front. "It's about time Tae! I've been waiti..." I almost choked on my words. It was Jisung. He was glaring at me. "Still going on about him?" I couldn't answer. 

           My voice seemed to be stuck in my throat. "Let's go outside Mimi." He said in a slightly threatening voice. I nodded slowly. He reached for my hand, but I ignored him and headed for the doors.

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