Say the Name...Seventeeeeen! (sorry not sorry)

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I sat next to Tae in his car, turns out he has five of them, and watched him as he drove. He turned back into the terrible driver I had first thought he was, but managed not to hit anything this time.

I watched the road wide eyed, but when I looked over at him he was usually always staring at me. He was constantly making me blush but over time I ended up ignoring him. I held onto the panic bar and closed my eyes after a while trying to fight off the motion sickness.

"Taehyung how did you get your licence?" I asked. I heard him laugh. "That bad huh?" He asked. I nodded to scared to open my mouth in case I threw up. "Well is told you why my driving skills change you'd judge me." He said. I didn't say anything.

He slammed on the breaks suddenly and I let out a cry of alarm as I felt myself fly forward. "What the hell?!" I yelled after I had ended up banging my head on the dash and I could feel a small trickle of blood falling onto my lashes, and when I went to feel my forehead I banged my cast on the dash.

"I'm so sorry. Someone cut me off. I swear it wasn't my fault!" He said anxiously. "So someone was being a worse driver than you? I find that hard to believe." I said sourly, and I looked in the mirror to asses the damage.

"Jesus Taehyung!" I said angrily as I looked on the gash across my eyebrow. "This better fucking not leave a goddamn scar." I growled through my gritted teeth.

He blanched. "From now on whenever we go anywhere I'm driving!" I practically yelled at him. "Okay." He said downheartedly. Afterwards he drove a lot better, but practically rode the breaks the entire time and took a really long time to stop.

Which was extremely annoying over time. "I'm sorry for yelling Oppa. I was just upset." I said finally, hoping he would lay off the breaks a little. It worked but we were a block way from the cafe so it was little use.

We pulled closer to the cafe. and I could see Jungkook and Jimin standing outside on their phones occasionally looking up to say something or scan the street for one of us.

I pointed them out to Tae right before Kookie pointed us out to Jimin. I couldn't help but laugh at how Jimin's face lit up when he saw us, and when we made eye contact I waved excitedly.

I looked over at Tae shyly. He had a blank expression on his face and I figured he was still hurt. He parked a couple yards away and made to get out of the car. "Wait!" I grabbed his arm with my good one. He looked at me in surprise. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"We're cool right?" I asked. He sighed. "Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?" His voice was earnest enough.

"It's just that you were being so quiet and you looked hurt." I explained. "I was actually focusing on driving instead of you for once." He said. I blushed. "Tae you can't just say stuff like that." He blinked and cocked his head slightly, like a puppy.

"Why not?" He asked innocently. "Because people might get the wrong idea about us!" I said. "What if that's the idea I want them to have?" He asked. "Now why would you want that?" I asked exasperatedly. "Because I want you."

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