Chapter Seven [M]

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A/N: Just thought I should warn you. Whenever you see [M] it means there's gonna be some mature stuff, and if you don't wanna read it you can just use contex clues to figure out what happened. --XoXo, Toxic

I followed him quietly out of the shop and into the side ally. I was shaking and too scared to say anything. "What's the matter Mimi?" He asked in a very cold voice. I said nothing.

"Have you missed me as much as I've missed you?" He came closer to me and I was paralyzed by fear's cold hand that held me in place. He placed a hand on my shoulder, and I could smell the alcohol clinging to him. "P-please...leave me alone." I whispered in a scared voice.

I couldn't do anything else. "You're mine! I can do whatever I want with you!" He snarled at me. A tear streamed down my cheek.

He threw me against the brick wall. He traced along my neck his fingers slowly going down my neck and to the first button of my shirt. "Don't say a word Mimi." He growled in my ear as he undid all the buttons slowly.

I whimpered quietly more tears streaming down my face. "Please.....don't do this....." I cried out quietly. I felt pathetic. I used my uninjured hand to push his away.

He pulled me off the wall pushing and then into it again hard. "I don't want to hear your whining. You're mine. I'll do as I please." He grabbed my boob gripping it tight causing a slight bit of pain making me yelp.

"You're all mine. No matter what you say. Got it?" I nod too scared to say no. He was much larger then me and stronger. He slid down my bottom as he undid his belt. Tears were streaming down my face. I didn't want this.

I willed it to stop. I wished it was a nightmare. That I'd wake up and none of this would have ever happened. That I'd be safe at my desk or my bed.

Sadly it's not. This is happening and I can't stop it. I'll never be able to. I'm too weak and my wrist was still fractured. I just let him do as he pleases. As he started to thrust more tears escape me and whimpers of fear along with it.

As he finished he locked his lips with me before pushing me away roughly. "Bye my little slut." He walked out of the alleyway. I was crying hard as I pulled my bottoms up and cover my upper body with my shirt again.

I slide down the wall. Curling into a ball. Sobbing into my knees. Why is it like this? I ask myself as I cry more. I needed to go home. I needed to tell someone, but who could I tell?

No one would believe me, and if they did they wouldn't care. They'd say I was asking for it. That I was a slut anyways. My shift wasn't over, but I couldn't stay here. Not in this ally either. Tears were still streaming from my eyes, but I had to move.

Now that the adrenaline had worn off my wrist was aching profusely. I needed to get out of here. I made my way to my feet, still crying all the while. Every inch of my body felt dirty. Everywhere he had touched was in shock, and he had touched everywhere.

I wiped away my tears and made my way back into the shop. I found my manager in the back. She came to me worriedly. I had held myself together as I made my way to the back, but as soon as I saw her kind face I lost it again.

"Mijin! Are you alright honey? What happened?" I was crying too hard to be able to talk. "I need to call my sister!" I said through my tears. I had slid to the floor and held my knees to my chest. "Honey I don't have her number." She said in a soothing voice.

'Kate' came into the room, and stared. "Kate. I need you upfront." Our manager said. "Yes ma'am." She said before bowing and leaving. "Mejin you need to tell me what happened." She said. She was crouching in front of me, and I felt bad for making her squat at her age.

"J-just wait...I'll tell you when m-my sister gets here." I said when I had regained some of my composure. "Okay. Here's my phone." She said. I dialed my sister, but as soon as she answered I burst into tears again.

Sue took the phone and I heard her start talking to. "Hyejung something's happened to your sister. Please hurry over to the shop." And then she hung up and I was crying hysterically all over again. "Please calm down Mimi I'l-" I interrupted her with a scream.

"Don't call me that! Please don't call me that!" That's what he called me. And it brought back the feelings of his hands running up and down my body.

"Okay, okay! Mijin I'm gonna make some tea and then I'll be right back. Okay? Can you be alone for awhile?" I nodded and took in a deep shaky breath.

************Time Skip*************

I was sipping my tea when Hyejung entered the room. I lost it yet again. I sprang to my feet crying, and ran to my big sister. I fell into her embrace started crying all over again. Sue came over timidly. "Mijin...Can you tell us what happened?" The older woman asked. I nodded and wiped away my tears. "Don't tell Tae. Please. I don't want him to know." I pleaded. They both nodded and so I dove into the story.

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