Chapter Twenty-Four

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"She liked you!"

"What? No she didn't!"

I was on the phone with Jinyoung. I told her about had happened between me and Chanri. I heard her laugh on the other end of the line.

"Oh Mimi! You're so naive. Why do you think she was always matching her schedule with yours. She was always trying to get you to go to the movies with her. She was asking you out on dates all those times."

She was probably right. And I had been so insensitive to her. "I just feel so bad Unnie! I was always so mean to her!" I said in despair. She laughed. "Yah! Why are you laughing?"

"Well it's not like you're bi or a lesbian, so what was she expecting to happen? You couldn't have just changed who you are. Especially not with Taehyung hanging around!"

She explained herself. I nodded along to her, but then realized she couldn't see me. "I guess you're right." I said. It was more to comfort myself than to really agree with her.

"Listen I'm gonna be in town for a few days. I can swing over today and we can hang out? Actually I don't know why I'm asking I was coming over anyways. Surprise!" She said.

I agreed, but it wasn't like I really had a choice since she was already heading up the stairs to my apartment. She burst into the living room with her arms full of bags. "I'm back bitch!" She called.

I laughed and ran to hug her. "You dyed your hair?!" I said in wonderment. It was now a dark red instead of her natural dark brown. "Do you like it?" She asked and touched a curl self consciously. "It looks great!" I assured her.

"Thanks!" She said with a smile. "Now! Wheres this Taehyung I've heard so much about?" She asked with her hands on her hips and her bags of God knows what hanging heavily in between her hips and wrists.

"He's at work." I said. "Well we're just gonna have to wait him out now aren't we?" I laughed. "I guess." And so we sat and caught up, then we watched tv, took a nap or two, drank tea, and ate food she had brought for me to try.

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