Chapter Twenty-One

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          It was one of those days. I was on my period so I was already angry enough, but I had to spend the whole day with Kate. I had found it odd when she had gotten the same schedule as me, but then I realized that she was doing it on purpose.

          She worked the same hours as me, the same days as me, and had the same days off as me.

          "Mimi! Can you help me hang these clothes up?" She called from the back. "Why? You can do it on you're own!" I called back. "Pleaassseee Mijin-ah." I glared over at her general area.

          "Whatever." I went back to my book and ignored her many more calls for help with clothes. She was probably the most annoying person in Chuncheon. Or more like all of South Korea.

          There was a shadow over me. I looked up in annoyance. "Can you get out of my light please." I snapped. "I don't know. Can you help with the clothes?" She asked innocently. "Jesus fucking Christ! What is your deal? Can you not leave me alone for any longer than two fucking minutes?! Can you not tel that I. Am not. In the mood?!" I yelled at her while rising to my feet.

          'Kate' blinked in surprise. "I just wanted some time with you." I realized she wasn't blinking out of surprise. She was blinking off tears. I instantly felt bad.

          "Listen I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose my temper. It's just sometimes you're too much for me to handle." I apologized. She nodded and backed up. "I'm sorry Mijin." She said in a quiet hurt voice.

          The two of us were very quiet for a moment and then she spoke. "Uh. Mijin. If you don't mind Unnie asking...Are you and Taehyung still dating?" At first I was too shocked by her admiting she was older than me to even register what she had asked me.

          "I'm sorry?" I asked her. She started blushing. Blushing! "Are you and Taehyung still together?" I blinked.

          "Yeah. Of course we are!" I said. Was she really trying to get with Taehyung? I turned to sit back down. I was mad all over again. "I-I'm sorry. I have to go!" She said. I watched her go in surprise. She was crying when she got to her car. But I shook it off. I finally got to get my cast off the next day.

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