Chapter Three

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We were in the convenience store and he was pushing the cart around. So far I hadn't put anything I needed in it, but he had almost filled it with what wanted or thought I needed.

"Chocolate milk is a must! I was very disappointed when I looked in your fridge only to be greeted with no chocolate milk." he said loudly. I shushed him. "Fine go get chocolate milk. I'll be in the produce section." I said while grabbing the cart. He seemed torn for a moment before disappearing down the aisle.

What are you doing Mijin? You barely know the guy, and you're doing all this with him! He could be a serial killer! The way he acts I wouldn't be surprised. I sighed and pushed the cart to the produce. I grabbed onions, some bell peppers, yams, pomegranates, and some apples.

Suddenly there were hands on my shoulders. I shrugged them off and turned saying, "Taehyung stop! Peo-" It wasn't Taehyung. "Jisung!" I leapt at him and he hugged me. "Who's Taehyung, Mimi?" He asked. "No one important. Why didn't you tell me you were back?" I asked. "I was gonna surprise you. What happened to your arm?"

I laughed and looked down at the brace. Before I could say anything Taehyung appeared with some chocolate milk. Jisung stared at him. His eyes were full of suspicion. "Hurry up Mijin, I have places to be and I don't really appreciate running around doing your errands." I was taken aback by Taehyung's sudden change. "What are you talking about?" I asked. I honestly was confused.

He had been so happy only a few minutes ago, and he definitely hadn't been in a hurry. "Whatever I'll be in the car. Hurry up." he snapped and grabbed the cart. I watched him go. "I'm guessing that's Taehyung?" Jisung said angrily. "Yeah. Why are you getting so mad. What's with you two?" I asked.

"What's with me? What's with you?! Are you cheating on me?" I gaped at him. "Really you've been in Busan for months doing who knows what, and the first thing you ask me when you get back is if I'm cheating on you? I told you he was no one important. He's a friend Joon Jisung!" I said before turning on my heel and marching away.

I could feel him watching me as I left. I spotted Tae at the cash register in the back of a line. I didn't want to wait on him. I exited the store and made my way to his car.

"He's such an air head he probably left the car unlocked." I said to myself. I was disappointingly right. I sat in the passenger side door and waited as patiently as I could for the other person I was mad at.

I heard him open the trunk and start putting the bags of his groceries in. Then he slid into the driver's side seat and handed me a bottle of water. I took it silently, and began struggling to open it. The least he could've done was take it in exasperation to open it, but he just put on his seatbelt, and pulled out of his parking spot.

I just gave up on the water bottle and stared icily ahead. He was driving better. Like he actually knew what he was doing.

"You didn't tell me your boyfriend was a jerk." he said suddenly. I glared at him quietly. "At the moment pabo. He's not the only one acting like a jerk." I said. He leaned over, took my water bottle, and opened it. All without swerving into the other lane. "Is that supposed to make everything better Taehyung?" I snapped.

He shrugged and smiled at me. "I don't know what you're talking about." His voice had gone back to normal. "Bull shit." He flinched and looked over at me. "I'm sorry Mijin." I ignored him. "Do you know how to drive or were you acting before?" I asked suddenly when he didn't run a red light. "I drive better when something's bothered me." He said quietly.

I grunted. "Aren't you going to ask what's bothering me?" He asked in a whiny voice. I turned to look at him. "If I truly cared I would, but I just want to go home." My voice was dry,and I could tell I had hurt his feelings, but I didn't care. At least that's what I told myself.

Finally we got to my apartment. "Pop the trunk." I said while grabbing my purse and throwing it over my shoulder. I went to the back of the car and waited, but nothing happened, and then he was next to me.

"Go inside. I'll bring them up." His voice was soft. Is this guy bipolar? First he's all happy, then he's a total jerk, and now he's Mr. Gentleman. I turned and headed up the steps.

I looked back to see him watching. Scratch that. He's Mr. Pervert. I hurried up the stairs back to being angry. Minutes later he had all the groceries in my kitchen.

I put my good hand on my hip and stared at him. He turned around very slowly. "Why are you looking at me like that?" His voice was like a little kid's that knew they were in trouble.

"Because you're a jerk Kim Taehyung. What happened. You were perfectly fine one moment, the next you're all pissy, then you start acting like a gentleman. Do you enjoy driving a girl like me absolutely crazy?" I asked.

"It can be amusing, yes. But I don't remember acting like a jerk to you in any way." He said in an annoyingly calm voice. "At the grocery store! You were perfectly fine, and then started acting all weird!" I was yelling now. I wouldn't say I was necessarily angry, but I was extremely exasperated.

"I was just sorely disappointed in the company you chose to keep." I scoffed. "Talking about yourself I see?" He blinked in surprise at the aggression in my voice. "That man isn't good for you Mijin. You shouldn't be his." I glared at him. He spoke quietly and his eyes were so earnest. "I don't belong to anyone." I said. He nodded.

He turned and made his way slowly to the front door. "Taehyung-ah..." He turned around instantly. I tossed something at him. He caught the chocolate milk and looked down at it then back at me. A question was burning in his mind. "I don't drink milk."

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