Chapter Twenty-Two

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          Taehyung was driving dutifully. He had been doing a lot better since he busted up my face. We pulled up to the doctor's and I slowly got out of the car. "Don't forget to lock it." I told him as we started walking to the entrance.

          He rolled his eyes pointed the keys behind him and locked the car. "No trust in me." He said. "Well if I hadn't told you would you have remembered to actually lock my car?" I asked. He didn't answer which was an answer in itself. I laughed. "That's what I thought." I said.

           "Oh whatever." He said while feigning annoyance. "Hellloooo!" I blinked in surprise when we entered. There was a middle aged woman instead of Junhoe behind the desk. She had her graying hair in an updo and was wearing cat eye glasses.

          She looked like a classic librarian or secretary. Which I guess she technically was a secretary. "Oh um. I'm here to see my sister. Or er...I have an appointment with Doctor Kim Hyejung." I said. "Oh you must be Mijin! If you would just sign in and then I'll go tell Hyejung you're here and get you when she's ready. "

          I blinked in surprise. "O-okay." I said and signed a few papers. It had been awhile since I had actually had to do any of this stuff. When I was finished I handed her the papers and went back to my seat.

          Taehyung was laughing at me. "What's so funny?" I asked. He shrugged. You looked very cute when you didn't know what you were supposed to do. Like a very confused puppy." He said with his boxy smile.

           I couldn't help but blush. "Shut up." I said in a small voice. He laughed and I glared at him. "You know..." I glared. "Don't say it." I warned. He smirked at me.

          "You're even cuter when you're mad." He said. He fucking said it. I turned crossed my arms in front of me and blatantly ignored him. "Aw Mimi! Don't ignore me!" He whined and pulled on my shirtsleeve.

          Suddenly an elderly man came out of the doorway that led to the hall that led to Hyejung's office. He glared daggers at the secretary, and then did the exact same to Tae and me. "Oh. I guess Dr. Hyejung will see you know." Said the startled secretary.

          "Let me lea-" I snapped at her. "I know where I'm going!" She blinked in surprise when I got up. Taehyung followed me silently. The woman looked flustered, however she didn't say anything else to me.

          I went into Hyejung's office. She looked tired. "You okay?" I asked. She looked up from the paperwork on her desk. "That old man is dying. He won't listen to me though. What's the point of being a doctor when the people you're trying to help won't accept your help?" She sighed. I went over to her and placed my hand comfortingly on her shoulder.

          "Not everybody wants to be helped Hyejungie. You can't save everyone Unnie. No matter how hard you try." I said. "You're right. Let me look at your wrist." She said.

          She was obviously struggling to shake off the old man's refusal of her help. I handed my arm over to her. She took off my cast and felt up and down my wrist.

          Let's get some x-rays." She said and then she called out for the secretary. She came in and together they did my x-rays. I was finally healed. I had been for a while apparently.

           "Now all you have to worry about is moisturizing that arm until it's as soft as the other one." Hyejung said with a forced smile. I hugged her. "Don't dwell on it." I whispered in her ear. She gave me a small sad smile. "Go enjoy having your arm back."

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