Chapter Twenty-Seven

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About two months later and it was November; I woke up happily. It was my birthday. Sue had given me the day off work to do anything I wanted. The night before I had been in a group call with Jinyoung, Jinri, and Dahyun.

They had put me in high spririts and they promised to take me out as soon as they got back, and they had informed me they had sent my birthday presents in the mail the day before.

I was sad I wouldn't be able to spend my birthday with them, but I was also happy that I got to spend my birthday with the boys. Taehyung had told me that he wanted to meet at the movies at 5:00 p.m.

I had agreed to meet them so for the time being I would hang out around the house. I went out into the living room and turned on the tv.

I was in a charmander onsie and had my hair in a french braid to stay out of my face. I went and made some instant coffee. I usually only drank tea, but I did really like coffee. As I waited for the water to boil I heated up a cinnamon roll and ate it for breakfast.

My phone started going off in my room. I ran to pick it up. But as I ran I hit my knee on the wall and almost fell over myown feet.

I grabbed my phone and almost answered. But then I saw the number. I had blocked Jisung. And now he was using his mom's phone to call me? That seemed low even for him. I let it ring.

I had thought it was going to be Jinri with another group call or Taehyung telling me to meet them early. No such luck. He had spent the night, but he was gone by the time I had woken up.

My bed had felt cold without him there beside me. The kettle whistled, jerking me out of my thoughts. I hurried out to go pour the water into the coffee mix. I let it cool.

I opened my fridge to make a pb&j, but realized I was out of jam. And milk, along with eggs, and butter. I would go to the store later, soI set an alarm for 4:20 to go.

****Time Skip****

My phone went off. It was time fore me to go to the grocery store. I sighed and went to my room. I looked at myself in my mirror. I didn't want to, but I changed out of my pajamas and into the clothes I had laid out the night before.

Black skinny jeans and a fuzzy pink sweater. I un-braided my hair and brushed it out. I grabbed my black fedora and put it on. I put foundation and mascara on then grabbed my purse, keys, and phone before heading out the door.

I got in a cab and sat quietly as the driver took me. I told him I'd pay him double the cost there but not there and back if he would wait for me. He agreed.

"We're here." He said and reached back. I stared at his hand. "I'll pay you when I get back. If I'm not back in twenty minutes every five minutes you wait add five dollars to my bill." I said. He laughed.

"Listen sweetheart, if you try to swindle me. Just remember I know where you live. " He said.

"I got it." I said before getting out. I looked behind me. Nothing. The cabbie was still there, but I could've sworn there was somebody else behind me. I shrugged it off and walked in.

I grabbed a hand basket and went to the dairy aisle. On my way there I grabbed jam. The store was practically empty. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm. I spun around, ready to tell them to let go, but stopped dead, and gaped up at the man.

"Happy birthday my little pet." Jisung whispered. I couldn't do anything. I was frozen. Until I wasn't. I grabbed the jar of jam and slammed it into his face. He fell back clutching his nose. I turned and ran.

I made it out and saw the cabbie still there. He was reading a magazine. Then Jisung caught me. I let out a scream. He punched me. The world spun around me as I tried to regain control.

"You think that was funny little slut? Come here. I've missed you." He said. I pulled away from him. "Let me go! Somebody help!!" I screamed as loud as I could. I stared at the cabbie. He had headphones on.

I kneed him, in the stomach, but he only tightened his grip. "You're in trouble now. How about a punishment?" I felt like throwing up. So I spit in his face.

His hand came out fast. His back hand made the world go black for a few seconds. "I said let me go! Let me go!" I yelled. We struggled for a moment, and then he punched my side. "Don't you want you're birthday present?" He hissed.

I did the only thing I could think of. I bit him. I bit him hard too. I didn't let go until I tasted blood. And the only reason I let go was because he did.

I didn't waist any time. I turned and fled. He was getting up. I ran harder. I slammed into the cab. The driver jumped in surprise. I could feel blood flowing down my nose over my mouth and dripping onto my sweater. "Open the door!" I screamed.

I unlocked and I jumped in closing and locking the door seconds before Jisung got to it. I was panting. He banged on the cab window. "Mijin get your ass out of that car!" He yelled. "Drive!" I said. The cabbie was staring at Jisung.

"Drive!" I yelled. His foot hit the gas pedal and I felt a satisfying bump as he ran over Jisung's foot.

"What the hell happened?" He asked. "He tried to rape me that's what happened!" I snapped. I was so tired. He drove in silence after that. We got to my apartment building and I let out an audible sigh of relief.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked. "Nothing. Don't worry about it. You've been through enough. You're calling the cops right?" He asked. "Maybe." I said as I got out. Before I closed the door I laid ₩20,000 on the seat.

I barely noticed all the cars in the street. I trudged up to my apartment. There was noise coming from my door. I slowed down. I cautiously opened my door. It was unlocked, but I had locked it when I left. And there were the boys. All except Taehyung.

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