Chapter Twenty-Six [M]

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I sat in between Teahyung and Yoongi while we waited for our food. I was starving, but I was really just happy to be hanging out with my friends. It was Kookie's birthday and we were all in a very festive mood.

Jungkook was running a little late, but none of us could really be mad at him. He had called Seokjin and told him that things with his family were taking longer than he had expected. It was very loud in the restaurant Kookie had chosen and I was starting to feel claustrophobic.

I crossed my arms in front of me and picked at frayed sleeve of my hoodie. I had my legs crossed too. I tried not to show them how uncomfortable I was, but I had started breathing heavier than a few minutes ago and I kept going in and out of focus with the conversation at hand.

I felt somebody bump into me and nearly jumped out of my skin. I looked at the old woman with wide eyes, but somehow managed to apologize. I never used to be like that. Big crowds had never been my favorite, but I was, at that point, freaking out.

Taehyung laid a soft hand on my arm very gently. "Are you alright Mimi?" He asked in a low voice. The others were pretending not to listen, but they had lowered their voices and took longer to answer, obviously listening for me to say what was wrong.

"I'm just feeling a little cramped in here, that's all. I'll be fine." I tried to reassure him, but I could tell he wasn't buying the last bit of what I had said. "Come on Mimi. Let's go outside so you can get some air." He urged in a soft voice.

Gosh. I said I would be fine. Maybe he's right though? I should go get some air. "Fine." I agreed while slowly getting up. I saw the others slightly relax and go back to their conversation about something I had already forgotten about.

Tae held my hand and led me out of the restaurant as quickly as he could. I caught some looks from other girls. What is he doing with her? Her?! They seemed to say. I couldn't help, but agree with them. Tae was extraordinary, and I...I was just ordinary. I shook myself off and told myself to stop thinking like that.

He pushed open the door and I was hit with a refreshingly cold wave of night ocean air. We leaned against the building and watched the people go by around us. I watched the mens' faces intently.

I was trying to see if they had anything Taehyung had, but they didn't hold a candle to him. I thought back to our little group of friends. It finally dawned on me how attractive the others were too, but they still didn't have what Tae had.

Not to me anyways, and to be completely honest, I wasn't really sure what made me drawn to Taehyung like metal to a magnet.

"Lookin for a new boyfriend?" He said with laughter in his eyes. "Oh yeah. You're starting to bore me Taehyung." I said teasingly. "Well let me tell you. None of them would look as good as I do with you." He said.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Who says you look so good? You shouldn't be so full of yourself Tae." I said. He gasped in fake hurt. "Betrayed by my one and only love. How tragic." He said with his hand clutched over his heart. I laughed and leaned against him.

He looked down at me with a small small. I stared into his eyes. They were like depthless pools of melted dark chocolate. I loved his eyes. I loved everything about him. And I especially loved the way his eye sparkled when he was looking down at me.

"You really wouldn't go with anyone else like you do with me. You know that right?" Instead of giving him a verbal response I leaned up and planted a kiss on his lips. His hole body seemed to respond.

His arms wound around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I placed one hand behind his neck and the other on the small of his back.

There was a sudden cough. We broke apart slowly, and Taehyung turned with a glittle of annoyance in his eyes, and he didn't try to hide it when he spoke. "This better be good. If someone's not dying I will gladly rearrange that." He said but then he saw who it was. "Oh! Nevermind! Sorry Kook." He said.

"Uh... Hi Hyung. Noona." He said looking a little embarrassed. "Jungkookie!" I went over to him and hugged him tightly. "Look at you! Turning 22!"

*****Time Skip*****

We were back at Taehyung's apartment and I could tell I was slightly tipsy. Not completely drunk, but almost there. I still knew what I was doing and I had complete control of my body.

The only thing wrong was that my emotions were stupidly out of control, and literally anything could set me off.

Tae flop onto his couch. I slowly followed suit but sat on his lap rather than the couch. He lean forward and rested his head on my shoulder. I yelp as he grasped my ass firmly. Tae chuckled lightly.

"You're gonna look so great under me." He whispered into my ear. I turned in his lap qickly to face him. "Id like to see you try to put me under you." I murmered kissing down his jaw.

I could feel him smirk as his hands traveled under my shirt. "Challenge accepted." He laughed lightly. He flipped us over so I was laying on the couch. His lips traveled down my neck as he pulled my shirt slowly up my tingling body.

I pushed him off me and onto the floor. I flung myself over him straddling him as I pulled my shirt all the way off. "You got a nice body, baby." He smirked leaning up on his elbows.

I blush before pushing him back down while kissing him roughly. One of his hand slid its way up my back unhooking my bra. I let it slide off my shoulders and down my arms.

I blushed as he stared at my body biting his lip. "You have a nice shape." He said tracing my body with his hands.

He gripped my hips and flipped us quickly. He pulled his shirt off exposing his will defined chest and abs. He wrapped his arms around my waist standing up carrying me with him.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck kissing him as he walked slowly towards his room. After we finally got through the hallway he laid me on his bed. He pulled my underwear off my hips throwing them to the floor quickly.

I sat up swiftly connecting my lips with his. I slowly started undoing his pants as he stood over me. He stepped out of his pants as he crawled onto the bed pulling me up on the bed with him.

He was rather quick after that getting my underwear off along with his own. I wrapped my legs around him as he slid in kissing my neck. I was so enveloped by the feeling of him touching me that I didn't even notice him thrusting.

My hands wrapped in his hair pulling. I pulled him from my neck to my lip moaning into the kiss. I felt his thrusts getting sloppy. He was close to his climax. I moaned loudly into the kiss as I reached my climax.

He slowed down his thrust as he came with a loud groan. He pulled out flopping down on his side next to me. I panted as Tae wrapped his arm around me. "I love you." He whispered in my ear. "I love you more." I smiled rolling onto my side snuggling into his chest.

"Whatever you say, goodnight Mimi." He kissed my forehead closing his eyes. "Goodnight Taehyung." I love you more than anything. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep against him.

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