Chapter Eleven

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          We sat in the living room while I told them about what happened, once again asking for them not to tell Tae. I didn't want him to worry about my problems. Jin had an angry expression on his face and my sister looked super pissed off while Hoseok sat reserved in a corner with a thoughtful look on his face.

          My sister was yelling. "Mijjn you need to tell the police. This is the second time! File a restraining order! Have them throw his ass in jail!" With each sentence her voice rose. "Why am I not allowed to tell Taehyung?" Seokjin asked in a calm voice. "He shouldn't worry about my problems." I said urgently.

           He opened his mouth like he was going to argue, but my sister beat him, and Hoseok looked on quietly. "Mimi! Stop worrying about burdening other people. For most of us you aren't going to be a burden. And I'm sure whoever this Taehyung guy is, he will want to help you." She said while squeezing my hands. 

          "He was just so mad when he found out about last time." I said quietly. "It's understandable." She scoffed. "Mijin, Taetae cares about you more than you think. Of course he's mad. We all are, just ask and he'll do practically anything." Hoseok said in a comforting voice.

          I shrugged. "Maybe. But I just don't want him to worry." I urged. "He's at work, but I'm gonna give him a call, and we'll see how it goes from there." Jin said while getting up. "But-" my sister stopped me.

          "But nothing! I have to leave Mimi, but call me whenever you need anything. Guys you better not leave her alone until that other guy gets here. I don't want her going anywhere on her own. Do you understand me?" She snapped. He nodded and she left quickly while dialing a number in her phone. So much for 'but nothing'.

          "Tae you should come back." There was a pause and I could barely hear Tae's deep voice replying.

         "Just call Yoongi for a ride, and you shouldn't let them borrow your car." There was another pause as Taehyung replied. "Hurry." And then Jin hung up on him. 

          "I told you I didn't want to bother him." I said in a somewhat pouty voice. Jin turned and eyed me with an exasperated look on his face.

          "He wasn't busy in the first place, so don't look at me like I stabbed you in the back. I didn't tell him what happened, that's for you to do." He said in a firm voice. I looked away. He was right of course, but it didn't change how I felt. "Why does he even care so much?" I finally asked in a small voice. 

          I heard Jin sigh, and then he pulled out a chair and sat down heavily. "He talks about you all the time when he's with us. Sometimes Kookie gets a little jealous, but he gets over it." I looked over at him.

          "That doesn't answer my question. Taehyung's become my bestfriend in a matter of less than a week, and I trust him more than anyone, but that doesn't explain why he got in my car that day. Why he's stuck around." I said in an even voice.

          Jin was looking at me with a weird expression on his face like he was trying to solve a puzzle. I raised my eyebrows at him and he looked down at the table.

          "He took an interest in you. And to be honest I'm not sure why he got in your car, we sent him to see if you were okay, but Tae does all sorts of things that we can't explain. And he stuck around, because you make him. Not consciously of course." He said when I opened my mouth to argue.

          "He sticks around, because you made him genuinely care about you. Of course you guys went to school together and he wanted to catch up, but now he feels invested. You're like a good book. You seem completely plain and normal at first glance, but once someone actually starts to read you, you draw people in nonetheless, and soon they can't put you back down." He said in a surprisingly angry sounding voice.

         I bit my lip and thought about what he said, but wouldn't look up to meet his burning eyes. I didn't know why he was so angry at me all of a sudden, but I didn't like it. "I never asked for him to take an interest in me." I said in childish voice.

          I heard Seokjin scoff and he pushed himself out of his chair to stand up. He was a very imposing presence. Then he walked out of the kitchen and into the livingroom where he flung himself onto the couch and turned on the tv.

          Hoseok joined him. "Come on. Those chairs aren't very comfortable and Tae works a far ways off, so it'll be a while till he gets here." He called in a calmer voice than before. 

          I took a gulp of my tea then followed him to the livingroom before laying out on the opposite couch.

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