Chapter Thirty

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A/N: Disclaimer here. I've only been told stories about Korea from my grandma, so I don't really know how the South Korean court works. I would say I'm basing it off of the American court system, but I only know about divorce, child custody, marriage, and getting your passport. So I'm probably gonna just skim over the hearing.

Today was the day. I dressed slowly in a pant suit Hyejung had let me wear for court. I glanced nervously down at my watch. 10:00. I had to leave in about an hour.

I shuffled into my bathroom to do my makeup, but my hand was shaking almost to much for me to draw a decent cat eye. I let out a wavering breath.

"Calm down Mijin-ah. After today you won't have to see him ever again." I told myself. After staring at my trembling hand for a while it finally stopped shaking, so I set back to work on looking presentable and covering up my black eye.

After my make up I straightened my already straight hair and put it in a tight high ponytail with lots of hair spray to keep every hair in place. I grabbed my earrings that my mother had given me on my 15th birthday and put them in.

I took a long look at myself in the mirror. My heart was racing, but I couldn't let anyone see. I practiced my poker-face in the mirror for awhile, then left the bathroom behind me.

I grabbed my purse. It had lip balm, my wallet, a hairbrush, earbuds, and the pepper-spray Jungkook had given me yesterday for my birthday. I went and set a kettle on to boil. I just wanted some tea to help calm me down.

The lawyer Taehyung had hired said that she would try for a ten year sentence, but that the court would proabaly go for less.

She did guarantee a restraining order though. And if that was all I got I would still be happy. There was a knock on my door and I hurried to open it.

Taehyung came in dressed up in a suit. I suddenly noticed for the first time that he had piercings. He gave me a small warm smile.

"How you feeling?" He asked. "Nervous I guess." I admitted. "Don't be. Jisoo knows what she's doing, and everyone will be there to support you. There's to much evidence for them to ignore." Tae said in a comforting voice.

"I'm finally gonna be rid of him. Aren't I?" I asked In a small voice. It was like I was slowly waking up from a very long, very straining bad dream. "After today you'll never have to see him again, my love." I blushed.

He had recently started calling me names like that and it made my heart soar every time. The kettle whistled suddenly making me jump.

I laughed nervously and went to pour the tea. "You look beautiful Mijin. It's a shame you have to look good for this particular reason, but you still look beautiful none the less." Taehyung said in his wonderfully deep voice.

"You don't look too shabby yourself!" I said. My nervousness was slowly ebbing away and was being replaced with an almost uncontrollable excitement.

He would finally be out of my life and I could go on with my life...with Tae.

I grabbed my cup of tea and went to the door. It was time to leave. It was time to deal with Jisung once and for all.

********Time Skip*********

I let Taehyung drive he actually did a good job. When we got there my sisters met me at the entrance to the court house. They each took turns to embrace me.

"Mother and Father are waiting inside. They're proud of you Unnie." Nari said when it was her turn to hug me. "We're all proud of you." Kimyeong said quietly.

"Thank you. For coming. I don't know what I would do without you guys." I said earnestly. "We wouldn't miss this for anything Mijin." Hyejung said.

I smiled up at my sisters. I could feel my eyes tearing up, and I was glad I had put on my waterproof makeup.

"Oh don't cry Mimi! You always were the emotional one." Hyejung said as she rushed to wipe away my tears. I let out a little half sob half laugh noise.

Nari laughed at it. "They're here." I turned at when Tae suddenly spoke up. I could see the boys walking over.

All of them wearing fancy suits. A small smile swept across my face as I remembered all of Taehyung's Gucci. I eyed him after the memory and felt like laughing. He was probably decked out in Gucci right now.

"Mijin-ah!" Hoseok practically yelled before crushing me in a hug that knocked the breath out of my lungs. "Hi!" I breathed out.

He let me go with a huge smile plastered to his bright face. "How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked. "Are you nervouse?" Namjoon questioned. "There's no need to be nervous Mijin." Seokjin said. "I'm mostly just excited to get this over with." I said.

"That's the spirit." Jisoo said, suddenly popping out of nowhere. She gave me a brief hug before taking my hand and leading me away while the others followed.

"This'll be over before you know it. You'll just have to tell the judge everything he's done to you, and if he pleads not guilty, we'll show them the security footage, and have all the witnesses speak up." She said. She was quite taller than me and I had to practically jog to keep up.

"I wish I had been as brave as you after I was raped...But even I couldn't get justice for myself I can for others. Like you. Like us." She said. I cast her sidelong glance.

That was the first I'd heard any emotion from the women.

When I thought about it, I suddenly couldn't tell if she was older or younger than me. There was a dark ambition in her eyes, but she had the face of a women barely out of college.

*******Time Skip******

She was right. All I had to do was tell my story. I kept myself from crying the entire time which I was proud of. We didn't even have to give evidence. Jisung seemed to know it was pointless and pleaded guilty.

Jisoo cast me a triumphant look and I smiled back at her. First came the restraining order. I was trembling with happiness all over. The court suggested five year prison sentence, but Jisoo got it up to an eight year one.

The judge hit his gavel and that was the end of it. Jisoo led me out of the court room before I could even turn to my family, my friends, my Tae.

I waited outside for the others with Jisoo. She had hugged me fiercly and now we sat on the ground. Suddenly they came pouring out. I was on my feet in an instant. My sisters. Then my parents, the boys, and then. I took off at a run. I barreled past them all and jumped into Taehyung's waiting arms. I cried as we hugged each other. I burried my face in the crook of his neck and sobbed.

"It's over now. It's okay. Mijin you never have to see him again." He soothed. I unwrapped my legs from around him and he set me down. I stared into his eyes. "I love you Kim Taehyung." I brought my lips to his and lost myself in our kiss.


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